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I Hate Naming Posts

Happy Wednesday, all! 

Baby bird update: THEY’VE HATCHED!!!  Well, 2 of them have hatched.  I see one more egg in there,  not sure where egg #4 is, possibly under the babies?  The boys were super excited to see them!


I found this gem when walking around Wal-Mart last night.


I wanted Sun-In SSSSSOOOOOOO bad when I was a kid!!!  But my mom wouldn’t let me get any, boo!  Now, knowing what I know, my advice is stay the heck away from that stuff!!! 

And I’m a day late and a dollar short, but going to answer the 2 ‘First Things’ from Halie and Hallie’s linkup from yesterday.

First Things First

First aisle you hit up at the grocery store:  The way my store is set up, you only have the option of starting at the produce aisle (not a a bad thing!).  I am a creature of habit (and organization) so I have the same ‘route’ through the store, which means I start at the produce aisle!  Bananas are first up, then I go from there, depending on what I need – red peppers, lettuce, other fruits, more vegetables. 

First store you head to at the mall: Target.  Our Target is attached to our mall, so I always stop there first, which is probably dumb because I always walk out of there with multiple sacks which I then take to my car so I don’t have to carry them through the mall. 


I ran for 22 minutes straight last night!  Now, for most of you, that seems like peanuts, but for me I am so proud of myself!  But at the end I thought to myself “Jodi just ran 2 hours more than that!!!  How did she do it?!?”  Probably because she’s awesome and amazing (and, even though it doesn’t help with running, she’s so dang PRETTY!!! Gah, I’m jealous of her pretty looks!)! 

The weather is GORGEOUS finally, Bren, Baby A and I are heading to the park this morning to meet up with some friends. 

My good friend, Mama Chrissy, and her family are adopting a baby boy in July … if all goes well with the birth mother.  Will you all please pray for Chrissy and her family?  She is an amazing mom to little G and so deserves to be a mommy again.  Please and thank you.

And please pray for those 3 ‘girls’ who were abducted and held captive for the last 10 years, and for the babies they had there.  So so sad. 

Well, that was a random post!  Hope you survived the flip flopping from subject to subject!

Smile and say hi to someone you don’t know today, it’ll make you and them feel good!



  1. I love your random posts. WTG on running 22 minutes!! That seems like a lot to me too.

  2. Totally wasn't expecting to see my name there. You made me cry! Thank you so much!

    We had some birds hatch at home. G named the bird Stripey. Now she is watching the babies run around. SO CUTE!

    Sun In!!! Everyone wanted it. So sticky and horrible on the hair!!! The good ol days!

    22 minutes straight! Get it girly!


  3. Sun in! So funny. What else did people use? Lemon juice?

  4. 22 minutes is great! I bet that was close to 2 miles? March 2012 when I started C25K, I remember the 5 minute run being like WHOA - and I just ran 163 minutes straight during my half marathon on Sunday. It's amazing what we're capable of! Keep up the great work :)

  5. My mom never let me get Sun In growing up, either! I thought she was such a fun hater. Instead I would sneak the lemon juice out of the fridge and use that. I don't think it ever really worked, and I always smelled like a Lemon Head for the rest of the day. :)
    Way to go on your run! That's pretty close to a 5k. Keep it up!

  6. 22 minutes is awesome - you should be proud!!

  7. Aww, you're so sweet, a little off cause i dont feel that pretty!!! but thank you, and thanks for the shout out!! You're amazing!! And you'll get to running that long too, I know it!
    I want to come see the baby birds! How exciting for you guys!!
    I used to want sun in so bad too, everyone I knew was using it. Yes, I'm blonde but thought I needed it too, you know, just to fit in!! So glad my mom never let me get it!
    It's so horrible about those three girls. I feel so bad for their families, and what they will all have to go through now to readjust to things. Ugh, horrible!

  8. Holy Hell! 22 minutes? That is great!!! I can't get past week 4. What am I doing wrong?!? Help a sister out!
