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Pool Motivation

I took the boys to the pool this afternoon.  Nothing like watching a bunch of skinny teenie-boppers walking around to make you feel good about yourself.  Ha! ( How do you make a face gagging on here?)  On the up side of that, it's good motivation.  So is Mama Lauglin's Fit Camp.  I have been a huge fan of Mama Lauglin's blog for quite awhile and when she announced her Fit Camp I joined right away.  Starting today I am doing a weight loss challenge for 60 days.  I got the My Fitness Pal app on my phone (can use it online, too) and have been tracking my calories in and out (exercise) for the last few days.  I hope seeing it right in front me every day helps hold me accountable for what I'm putting in and how I'm working it out.  That last part sounds weird, but you get my gist. :) 

Now I just need to get my butt going on Jillian's 30 Day Shred.  If you've been reading this blog for awhile you know I did it back in March.  I felt better, started to look better and was doing it every day but Sundays.  I also started running (not far, but was building up my endurance).  Then we went to Vegas in May and I haven't done a thing since.  All that hard work went down the drain.  I'm back to being tired all the time and the jiggly stuff I lost is back.  Ugh.  Losing weight -- and keeping it off-- is HARD work.  Not fun either.  I remember I was starting to 'crave' my runs, now I can't make myself get up off the couch!  Where did I go so wrong?  Ok, I know where.  How about why? 

What do you do to motivate yourself?


P.S.  Welcome to my new followers!  Another bonus of joining Mama Laughlin's Fit Camp!  Let's do this, girls!  We are worth it!

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