20 March 2013

What I’m Loving Wednesday

Hey there!  How’s your Wednesday going?  Mine is ok, feeling crabby again and a little blue – not a great day on the scale.  Makes me so mad.  My husband has not changed his diet at all, he just started walking on the scale and has lost 4lbs.  I have worked on my diet, walked, ran, did RI30, did strength training here at home and have GAINED .8lbs!  WTF????  Ick, I hate ‘wtf’ but seriously, what is going on here???  All that hard work and I get nothing?  Ok, not nothing.  I can see a small difference in my body, so something is working, but I want that scale to go down!!!!  Just frustrated, sorry for the tantrum.  Moving on.

Linking up today!

What I’m loving today is my new shelves and vinyl wall quote in my bedroom. I have a cousin who’s husband has software and a cutter to make them so you just send him a quote or a picture of one you’ve seen with the font you like and he can do it for you!  So easy and way cheaper than Uppercase Living! If  you’d like his contact info let me know!


The shelves and picture frames are from Hobby Lobby, the little bottle is from my church’s gift shop. 

I’m all hooked up with Bloglovin, so click on the link to the right and follow me on there! 

Have a happy day!

P.S.  My day just got a whole lot better!  I just got asked to go to the big city tonight for pedicures and supper with a friend! Hallelujah!



  1. If a pedicure and dinner out on the town can't turn your day around, I don't know what could! Enjoy! :)

  2. Its annoying how fast men can lose weight, pretty much without even trying!!!
    And I love that saying! It looks great with the shelves!!
