14 March 2013

Bloggity Blogs

I’m going to start today by hi-lighting a few bloggers who swapped buttons with me. 

First up, Becky from Fitzpatrick Follies.  I have only known Becky for a few weeks but I already adore her!  I talked about her in last week’s Blogger Crush post.  She blogs about her everyday life of being a mom, working and losing weight.  I just heart this gal! 


Here Comes Another Human is written by Vanessa.  Mom, wife, lover of Christmas!  If you can’t associate with one of those things I’m wondering why you’re reading MY blog! Ha ha!  Vanessa’s a sweetheart, stop by and say hello. (Plus, look at those sweet chubbies on her little gal – adorable!  Baby #2 due this September is sure to be just as sweet!)

Here Comes the Human

The Divine Miss E, need I say more??  Who doesn’t know Erin from She’s A Big Star?  If you don’t, run (not walk) over to her blog and start following her!  I met Erin through Mama Laughlin’s Fit Camp over on Facebook.  Every day I’d see her posting comments and they were all so POSITIVE!  I instantly liked her and felt like I had to get to know her!  So somehow I found her blog and I’ve followed her ever since.  Seriously, folks, she is the MOST positive person I know.  And she co-hosts Weigh In Wednesday, which translates into ‘she’s on a weight loss journey like the rest of us’! 

I hope you check these gals out, they are all wonderful!

Tonight I am heading over to a friend’s house for a Lia Sophia Jewelry party.  Food, friends, fun – need I say more?  I am so excited to see some friends I don’t get to spend enough time with.  But I’m going to have to hurry home because the Hawkeyes play tonight.  The Big 10 Basketball Tournament starts today (yippee!), so I see a lot of basketball viewing in my future!  Its funny how you change your ‘likes’ as you grow.  I never liked basketball growing up, and didn’t even really like it when we first got married.  Now I love watching it, especially when its our beloved Hawkeyes playing!  I do NOT watch NBA, yuck, but college ball I love! So,on that note, GO HAWKS!!!


The baby I watch is wearing her St. Patty’s Day green today and OMG does she look cute!  I just love having her here, she’s 4 months old already and just sweet as pie.  She’s nice and chubby and I just love snuggling with her!  Sorry, no pics, she’s not mine to share.

Did anyone else watch the new Pope being announced yesterday?  Pope Francis I.  I’m excited for this new chapter in the Catholic religion.  But a little bummed out Cardinal Dolan didn’t get voted in, I really like that guy! 

I got my 2 a day workout in yesterday!  W1D2 of C25K was knocked out after I got the boys from school, RI30 I did last night after they were tucked into bed.  I feel pretty good today, not as sore as I expected to be.  I’m hoping to work in 2 workouts again today, but with going to the party tonight I’m not sure how I’m going to work it all in. 

Oh!  One last thing (sheesh, is this the most random post or what?!?), we finished The West Wing Tuesday night, which means we started The X-Files last night!  Uhhh, David Duchovny – soooo hot, want to touch the hiney! (Can you name the movie?)  Andy was not an XF watcher back in the day, but me? I was obsessed!  Loved that show!  So I am excited to watch it again.  I have this weird thing where if I’m scared I can’t have any of my skin showing (except my face), so I was huddling under a blanket when it started.  It wasn’t as scary as I remember it being, it made me giggle more than anything (probably because DD was strolling around there!).  But, it was SO GOOD!!!  Gah, I just love it and love that Andy’s watching it with me!

Okee dokee, I’d better stop this randomness and get moving.  The boys’ new beds are coming today so I need to get their rooms ready.  Yay!



  1. Oh do I love me some Billy Madison haha! Go hawks! Yay for your party i'm sure you'll have tons of funs! I love those kinds of parties! and yay for two a day workouts girl! YOu got this! p.s.never watched x files or the west wing :/

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I'm going to do a post on my button swaps soon too!

  3. You rock my socks off!! I am so glad that I starting commenting on your posts! I adore you and our growing friendship!

    Have fun at your party and yay for new beds!!

  4. Catching up on my blogs since I've been away from work for the last few days. Thank you for the sweet words... you know I love your blog too! xoxo
