11 March 2013

Button Swap & A Giveaway

Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was good, went super fast and I did a lot of complaining about the stupid time change.  Does anyone else think we should do away with it?  Ugh, I am so tired today!  We should start a petition to end these damn time changes and send it to the powers that be! 

Would any of you be interested in swapping buttons with me?  I am getting close to 100 followers but need a little help in getting there.  Once I hit 100 followers 2 things will happen.  1.) I will get a blog makeover. 2.) I will have my first giveaway! So if you’d want to swap buttons OR give me a shout out on your blog I’d appreciate the love!  I will share the love in return for your kindness.  Leave me a comment if interested!

Now for a little photo dump of my weekend.

Saturday night after the longest church service in history we met my sister’s family and my parents for supper at a local dive.


Sunday we hosted Brennan and my niece’s joint birthday party.  We had ham (ick!), scalloped potatoes, corn, baked beans and a veggie tray.  And of course cake!


Here are the two 4 year olds together.  Brennan and Nora Jean.


After everyone left we went for a drive to see all of the flooding.  Our temps warmed up to about 40 degrees this weekend so the snow melted really fast PLUS we had about 3” of rain.  Now all of the cricks and rivers are flooding.  Fields are full of water.  The ground is saturated so all of that rain is just collecting.  After we got home I remembered I should have taken pictures – duh!  Parts of Iowa picked up a bunch of snow again, but we were lucky this time and have just received rain.  Today we might get a trace of snow, that is doable.  Temps should be in the mid to upper 40’s by week’s end, about time!  Spring cannot get here fast enough!

Brennan showing off the eggs we dyed. 


Today I am starting C25K again!  I am so excited! I have walked on the treadmill every day for 8 days.  I took yesterday off, I told myself my body needed a break. Truth or lie?  My plan is to do C25K Monday, Wednesday and Friday and to walk Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  On my walking days I’ll also add strength to my routine.  I’m also on MFP so if you want to add me to help keep me accountable my username is ErinMc225. 

I’m also on Instagram, follow me at HomemadeHappenings!  I post pictures on there that I don’t post on here.

One last thing – is there anything you all would like to know about me?  I’m hoping to get enough questions for a Q & A post.  Any and all count!  I’m an open book so ask away!

Well, Darlings, I hope you have a great week!  No plans for me.  Aiden is out of school at 1:00 today, hope I don’t forget to get him!  Ahh!

Talk soon,



  1. I will absolutely swap buttons with you... I can add yours right now!

  2. I'll do the button swap too!

  3. Would love to do the button swap. :)

  4. I've got about the same amount of followers as you and I plan to do a giveaway at 100 followers too! I'd love to swap buttons with you.

  5. Totally agree, the time change thing needs to stop! It was used a bazillion years ago for famers (before things like tractors and combines, and all the stuff that makes their lives a little easier). We can go ahead and drop the whole lose-an-hour business.
    And, now I want cake. :)

  6. Its 2 now, did you get him? LOL

    Good job with the treadmill!!!

  7. I had to smile when I read "ham and scalloped potatoes." That's like a requirement for EVER family get together we have! :) We had a little flooding this weekend, too. Our garage collected about an inch of water and Pete had to sweep the water down our side hill several times. I love playing the girl card on these occasions. :)

    I've been thinking about adding a button swap to my blog, too, so if I ever pull the trigger on that, I'd love to swap with you!

    Oh, lastly, Q&A questions...how about: What is your earliest memory? and: What's the worst job you ever worked?

  8. So cute. I love your pics and I wanna swap. I am going to grab yours name.. doesn't that sound funny. LOL

  9. Let's totally swap buttons. I am on my phone now, so I will do it tomorrow at work. I am so over the time change. It makes no sense to me. I am on week four of couch to five k, and I couldn't finish. So I will be back at it on Wednesday. Hope you had a good day friend!
