13 March 2013

Wednesday, Enuf Said

Hey there!  Can you believe its Wednesday already?  This week feels like it’s going so slow and at the same time, it’s already Wednesday!


First up, my workout recap.  Last night I pulled out JM and killed the RI30 workout.  I thought I remembered it being harder than this, maybe I actually made it to Level 2 last time and that’s where the difficulty began.  IDK, I will find out next week!  After I kicked butt with that I hopped on the treadmill and walked a sloooow 1 mile.  Not as far as I have been going, but I stuck with my plan for the day, so that is my NSV for Tuesday!  Today’s start is not so good in the eating department.  I have been starving for the last two days and this morning I just didn’t want to deal with it anymore, so I made a big glass of chocolate milk and had 2 pieces of toast for breakfast.  Fail.  But I have the rest of the day to make up for it!  I have MFP to help me get there.  That app seriously helps me, it makes me think twice about what I’m about to put in my mouth.  On the days I use it (I seem to fail on using it on the weekends) I seem to stay within my calorie allotment for the day. 

Thank you to everyone who has swapped buttons with me!  Take a look to the left at the buttons, click on them and give these gals some love!  First up, Mean Ang.  Ok, here’s a secret for you – Mean Ang is NOT mean!!! She’s actually super nice, funny and has a big Italian family, which totally intrigues me.  I should ask her if she has any Guido's (sp??) in her family! Ha!  She is working on getting in shape like so many of us (she is doing Mad Abs March with me and I talked her into trying a Spiderman push up this week, the emails back and forth about that one were hilarious!), and blogs about that, her daily life and her big, crazy Italian family.  This girl HAS to do a vlog soon so I can hear how she talks!  Stop over and say hello!


Life Happens:: Plan Accordingly.  This is Lauren, and she is beautiful!  I’m just going to copy and paste her own description because I just love it!

A 20-something year young Mama. Believer. Book Reader. SunDrop drinker. Sushi eater. Lover of all things that Glitter!

Sundrop drinker!  I die! Glitter? Yes, please! Anyway, I really like her and her blog so go on over and give her some love.

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This is Kristen.  Gah, I just adore this girl!  Just take a look at her profile picture and you’ll instantly fall in love with her, something about her eyes!  Anyway, another mom who is working on getting fit (we’re everywhere!), she blogs about working out, her boys and her daily life.  Another great read, she has a great way of speaking through her blog. 


Please check these gals out, they are all awesome!

Well, Lovelies, I have a shit ton of laundry to do so I’d better get my butt moving for the day.  Happy Hump Day!  See you back here tomorrow!



  1. Don't worry about your breakfast! Just type that into myfitnesspal, do good the rest of the day, and do a workout. The way I see it... you will live a life with chocolate milk and toast so make the most of it! :)

  2. Thank you so much!!

    Don't worry about that choc. milk and toast. I ate a Little Debbie Fancy Cake yesterday for breakfast...hello 300 calories and I'm still effin' hungry! Hi, my name is Lauren. I'm a heifer and I stress eat :)

  3. Hey, if you're going to splurge, best to do it in the morning! I bet you're going to have a fantastic day! :)

  4. Who doesn't love chocolate milk? my personal fav is hy vee choc milk :) yay for ri30! I think i'm going to challenge myself to 30 days straight of this after I get back from eating my life away next week!

  5. Chocolate milk is one of my "treats"! You can easily stay on track though! I can't seem to track on weekends either!


  6. Mean Ang IS indeed awesome.. she's my best friend in real life, since we were 4! ;) Also, JM kicks my butt too. I do her 30 day shred DVD and leve 3 now seems "easy." I mean I'm still sweating my a** off at the end and am pretty tired but I used to feel like I wanted to die afterwards!

    1. Also, we probably do have a NJ accent but we make fun of our other friend who REALLY has it. Coffee is "cawfee!"

  7. Better to have a splurge in the morning so you can watch out the rest of the day :) Jillian Michaels is a beast! I moved to level 2 and it kicked my ass!

  8. Thanks lady! OMG, spider-man pushups are serious business! I was laughing when I fell on my face and was like, I have to email Erin! Sounds like you had an awesome workout yesterday! And there are a lot worse things you could be having than chocolate milk! I say keep drinking it. :)

  9. Oooh, now I am craving Chocolate Milk! My breakfast was that of a 12 year old boy this morning... Pop tarts and a Coke Zero. What can I say, I am the picture of healthy eating.

    I have to fold laundry tonight when I get home from work. Yuck. I hate folding laundry. That is probably why I do it as little as possible!

    Only two more days until FRIDAY!!!

  10. Jillian AND treadmill? You are a saint it is official

  11. yay! Thanks!! :) I'm so behind on reading blogs lately!!! I just read 5 posts of yours, lol. I need to catch up!!
