04 March 2013

Monday, Monday (ba daaa, ba da da da!)

Hey Pretty Girls!  How was your weekend?  Mine was fan-freakin-tastic!  Saturday we ran to town and bought my treadmill!!!!!  Eek!  I’m still so super excited!  I’ve been on it 3 times (that’s 3 days in a row) already!  Here’s a picture of Andy and me putting it together. Well, this just shows Andy putting it together, but I did help as much as he did.  2013-03-02_13-35-28_801

So I am giving it a few days of just getting used to it then I’m going to try to start running again.  If you remember from before, I got terrible shin splints and had to give it up for awhile, then got pregnant and haven’t been back to it since.  Lets hope that doesn’t happen this time.

Saturday night we went out with some friends for supper and to watch the Iowa vs. Indiana game.  We lost, but only by a few points.  Indiana is the #1 ranked team so I am very happy with the outcome of the game.  The refs were terrible against us, if it wasn’t for them, who knows?  Maybe a big fat W for Iowa!  Anyway, that night our very dear friend asked Andy to be the best man in his wedding!  We were so surprised and so excited – what an honor!  The wedding is in October, can’t wait!

Sunday we celebrated Brennan’s birthday with Andy’s family.  He is so excited to be turning 4 but very disappointed to know that he will not be tall like Daddy when he wakes up Wednesday morning.  Silly little shmumpkin!  I’ll let the pictures do the talking.


Bren is really liking Toy Story these days.IMG_1582

Look at those cheeks puffed out to blow out his candles!IMG_1584Aiden read Brennan his cards, that kid is getting so good at reading!IMG_1587

My little Woody holding up his new Woody action figure!  He was so excited!IMG_1588


The little guy had three things on his list: puzzles, a Batman Cave and ‘lots of tractors’.  He was thrilled to get the Gator.IMG_1592

And last thing about the weekend.  My darling husband bought me the ‘Sarah, Plain and Tall’ trilogy on DVD for my birthday.  Some of you might think this is bizarre, but I have asked for this set for years.  I loved it as a kid and used to watch it a lot.  So last night we put in the first one, ‘Sarah, Plain and Tall’.  I was crying like a baby at the end.  I love a good love story!  A great way to end a busy weekend!

Sorry for the boring weekend recap.  I know they can be monotonous, hope I didn’t scare too many of you off! 

Last thing – can you leave me some songs I should download for my running list in the comments?  The one I have needs some updating.  Thanks!

Have a great week,



  1. Your boys are so sweet! I have no clue who Sarah, Plain & Tall is so I'm going to youtube it!
    I will have to think of some of my fave workout songs! I like rap & rock to get me moving!

  2. Happy Birthday Brennan and yay for new treadmills! I wish I could have one in my place but I have NO space for one.

  3. Happy Birthday to Brennan! And how exciting you got a tredmill!!! You'll be a running pro before no time!

  4. Adorable birthday pics! And I'm jealous of your brand new treadmill! I got mine for $40 from a friend, the tread slips, and running on it is awful! I didn't know how bad it was until I used a treadmill at the gym this Thursday and realized how easy it can be!

    I read Sarah, Plain & Tall when I was little, but I didn't know they made it into a movie! Or was it a TV show? That's awesome!

  5. Happy Birthday sweet boy... So cute. Loved Sarah Plain and Tall - the books. I read them in school. AND.. playlists - just google 100 Best 90's Rap and there you have it. LOL

  6. What a handsome little man! Happy birthday to him

  7. Aww these are the sweetest pics ever! He is too cute for words! Happy Birthday to him! Yay for the treadmill! Are you just working back up to running? c25k? I read the books of sarah plain and tall but I didn't know it was on tv? Still so sweet of him to get it for you. Go Hawks! :) On new songs I love me some Kelly Clarkson like Stronger and Catch my breath love these days on the treadmill. Do you like country?

  8. What a fun weekend!

    Happy Birthday to your little guy!

    My favorite songs to run to are Die Young by Kesha, and anything by Kelly Clarkson that is upbeat. She will really get you in the mood to sweat it out!

  9. What a great cake!! Looks awesome!

    I love to run to Party Rockers by LMFAO and Scream by Usher!! They pump me up....well, at least get my butt moving slightly fast than walking!! Lol!

    Way to go on three days in a row! You're be back running in no time!

  10. So this might not be your "typical" workout song, but for running I blast Tom Petty's "Running Down a Dream" on repeat. It is one of the few songs that has pushed me through the last few half marathons I've run.
    Those birthday pics are priceless. Love the puffed up cheeks! :)

  11. What handsome and cute boys! I will email you some running songs I like as well! :) so jealous you got a treadmill I still have to go to the gym but tryin to convince my hubby otherwise! :) so excited for you to get back into it
