25 March 2013

Finally Finished!

Hey!  This is my 250th post!  I can’t believe I’ve wrote that many posts!  That’s crazy to me!  And it snuck up on me, was totally surprised when I saw that yesterday!

I had my post baby appointment this morning.  Everything is great, and we got the go ahead to start trying for another baby!  To say I’m not a little (a lot) nervous would be a lie.  I just can’t believe it’s been 6 weeks already since the baby’s been gone.  Most days I am 100% OK, but there are those few days where I think of what I’ve lost, or see a new baby and feel a pang of sorrow, or just get mad for what we’ve had to go through.  Luckily those days, moments, are few and far between.  Luckily I still have Andy and the boys.  Luckily we can try again.

On a much happier note, we sort of finished the closet this weekend!!!  We are 98% done, just have to dab a bit of paint on a few spots and get a cushion made for the bench.  Yay yippee yoo!!  Here are some pics.


I am TOTALLY in love with that green color!!!  Andy was so nice to bow out of the color choosing portion of this project and I of course ran with it!  Green is my all time FAVORITE color and I just love this one!  The baskets we found at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  The hooks I ordered from somewhere online. 

I got my very first Brady Band today in the mail!!! I’m so excited to try it out!  W3D1 of C25K is today, you can bet that beauty will be in my hair!  I’m so excited!

Don’t forget about the amazingly fun link up I’m co-hosting with Kadi over at Sheer Serendipity on Thursday!!! That is, if PhotoBucket can pull their heads out of their behinds and start working!  Ugh, technology is so frustrating sometimes!  I’ve been trying since last night to upload my button to it so I can attach the HTML code thingy.  But of course, it won’t upload!  It sits there and grinds and nothing happens.  I left it ‘uploading’ all morning and still nothing!  So you might get a button, you might not.  Boo!  And if not, that would be too bad b/c I think the one I made is pretty fun!  Anyhoo, come back Thursday for sure to link up vlog style (and if you’re chicken, just blog your answer’s and link up that way!).

Just finished a book last night, it was a western romance set in the late 1800’s and was really good!  Give it a try!  ‘One Wish’ by Linda Lael Miller. 

Nothing too major planned for me this week.  The boys’ conferences are Wednesday evening at school, and no school Thursday and Friday. I need to try to plan something fun for them on one of those days, just to get out of the house.  Then it’s Easter weekend.  We are hosting Andy’s family here Saturday night for supper and an egg hunt, Sunday we go to a nearby small town for dinner (lunch) with my mom’s extended side of the family.  There will be around 75 people there, all family!  I love getting together with the Marie’s (last name!).  How about you? What’s on your schedule this week?

Talk soon!



  1. I am thinking about you! I can't even imagine the pain and sorrow that you, Andy, and the boys have gone through. My heart breaks for you everytime I think about it. So glad, that everything was okay, and you can get back to business if you so choose :)

    I l-o-v-e that closet! How cute! I would love a mudroom/closet. I just want a place where coats and bookbags and shoes go. Right now, there is no organization and it is driving me crazy!

    Can't wait for the link up!! And possibly a warm Easter.

  2. I'm glad that your post-baby appointment went well. I think it's interesting how the time does fly after tragedy strikes. Why is that?

    Your closet looks absolutely adorable! What a smart use of space! I agree with you that green is the BEST color ever. :)

    I don't remember hearing about your link-up, but I'll for sure participate. I couldn't find a post where you announced it and listed the questions--did I just not look carefully enough?

  3. I think of you often! You know this! I'm glad your aptmt went well!

    I am in love with that closet!

  4. It looks great! I'm so glad to hear your appointment went well. :)

  5. So glad your appt went well. Good things are going to happen for you soon. :)

    The closet looks great!! And I think maybe I will vlog for your linkup so you can hear how I talk!
