21 March 2013

Another Liebster!

Hey, it’s Thursday! One more day to the weekend, woo hoo!

I was nominated for a second Liebster award by the sweet, pretty, kind and awesome Jodi over at Love and Crayons.  We actually nominated each other yesterday, so not ‘tagging back’ and breaking the rules, it just happened to work out that way. So don’t turn us in to the Liebster Police!  I’m just going to answer her q’s today since you saw my bizarre ‘11 things’ yesterday and I don’t need to scare any more of you away than I have already!

  1. What’s your #1 most played song on your play list? It’s a tie between JT’s “Suit and Tie” and Olly Murs’ “Troublemaker”  LOVE them both and I crank them up as loud as I can get away with!  Then I belt them out because I can’t NOT sing along with them!
  2. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? Wow, good question!!!  I have never ever thought of this!  Hmm, I’m really digging the name Avery right now, so maybe I’d go with that.
  3. What was the last movie that made you cry? Sarah Plain and Tall’s Skylark.  Seriously, just watched it over the weekend and cried my eyes out!  ha ha, lame
  4. What is a necessity for you in the morning? Chocolate milk!!!  I should say brushing my teeth, but honestly, if I had to choose one or the other I think I’d go with chocolate milk – sue me!
  5. What do you miss most about being a kid? Having no worries!!!  And playing with Barbies.
  6. If you have 30 minutes of free time, what do you do? Read blogs!!!  And if I’m caught up on those, read a book or watch TV.  Sheesh,I need a life!
  7. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?  Dance old-style, like a 2 step or s/t cool like that that older couples can do together. 
  8. What is your favorite outdoor activity? Gardening
  9. What is your favorite type of food? Before I was pregnant I would have said Mexican, but for some reason the baby didn’t like it and now I gag when I think about it.  I think I could get down Carlos O Kelly’s without any major problems but authentic sends me over the edge.  So now I’d say pizza. And I’m not talking about Pizza Hut pizza, I’m talking about those awesome joints that serve their own kind of pizza.  I haven’t found one I don’t like!
  10. What is your favorite season? This is one question I can’t answer.  It’s like saying ‘which of your kids do you love more’.  I just can’t choose!  Each season has it’s own amazing qualities that I love.
  11. What is the last book you read?  Hmm, what was the name of it?  I don’t remember!  I’m starting ‘One Wish’ by Linda Lael Miller soon, it’s a hand me down from my aunt, we’ll see how good it is. 

Thanks so much, Jodi!  Fun questions!

I had a great time last night getting my pedicure and hanging out with my friend.  We ate at the Olive Garden after and our toes were FA-REEZING!!!  We looked like idiots wearing our flip flops, too!  Kind of like “Yay, it’s the first day of spring and by golly I WILL wear flip flops today!”  It was about 25 degrees out and definitely NOT flip flop weather!  But our toes looked great! Ha ha!

W2D2 of C25K went great yesterday.  I keep feeling stronger as I go, glad I’m sticking to it.  Today is a walking and strength day.

I’ll leave you with this because it made me chuckle this morning. OH, and can anyone tell me how to get one of those gif things on my blog from Tumblr?  Thanks!


See you tomorrow!



  1. Glad you're liking C25K! It's such an amazing program!

    For the Gifs, I usually go to Gif Soup or some other site and search for one I like. They provide the code underneath the gif, and then I flip my Blogger editor to HTML and paste in the code. Usually works without too much finagling!

  2. I loved Barbies. Like played until I was 12. I love than Kendall likes barbies, haha!

  3. Mmmm, JT! Love him!! I'm kinda sad I don't have a file to buy babies for!! I guess I'm lucky to have three nieces!
    Way Togo on C25k!!!
    I had yoga last night and picked my girlfriend up. We both had on flip flops and it was a torrential down pour, plus ridiculous winds. It was freezing! On our way across the street to yoga, her flip flop broke! Poor girl had to run in the rain with one bare foot (I tried to tie it back together, but it was too rainy and cold and my fingers wouldn't work!!).

  4. Hey girl hey!!! I love chocolate milk, but can't think of the last time I had it. It was flipping snowing today. What the heck? I thought it was spring!?!?!
