05 March 2013

Top Ten Tuesday–Movies

Hey all! Guess what we have – more snow!  School was closed for today, which means we now have to go to school AFTER Memorial Day this year.  We were supposed to be out the Thursday before but with 4 snow days already that has changed.  Luckily we had 2 days built in to the school year or we’d be going till JUNE! 

I’m going to link up for Top Ten Tuesday today.

Stewart Street

Name your Top Ten Movies.  I hope I can come up with 10, yikes!  And these are in no particular order.

1. Lets start with Sarah, Plain and Tall.  Just because I just watched it and it’s fresh in my mind, plus I love it.

2. Swiss Family Robinson.  Classic, good.

3. Weekend At Bernie’s.  That movie cracks me up!  My sister and I used to watch it every Friday night while my parents were out on their weekly date.  FUNNY!!!31XlTiBRyRL._AA160_[1]

4. The Horse Whisperer.  2 words – Robert Redford! Yummo!  Another word – ROMANCE!  You know I’m a sappy romantic, this movie is so up my alley. Except I wish they’d have chosen a different lead actress, she doesn’t cut it for me.

5. The Bridges of Madison County.  Ok, this might be my most FAVORITE romantic movie of all time.  Clint Eastwood? Yummy!  Super duper romance?  Holla!  I remember reading the book when I was a teenager.  I took it with me to my Grandma’s for Sunday Dinner one day because I was so close to finishing it and just couldn’t put it down.  I sat in her kitchen bawling my eyes out finishing that book up and totally fell in love with Robert Kincaid.  Then the movie?  Finished it while my mom was in the the kitchen washing dishes, she brought me Kleenexes because I was crying so hard.  Ugh, LOVE it!  I should have put this as my #1, I think it might be.512VssvxJGL._AA160_[1]

6. Couples Retreat.  Anything with Vince Vaughn in it and I’m there!  The man is so damn funny and TALL and I totally have the hots for him.  Any man that can make me laugh and I swoon.

7. Dare I say Sex And The City?  Again, it’s a great romance!  When they get back together at the end?  Sigh.

8.Stripes.  A comedy from that late 70’s, early 80’s.  It has Bill Murray in it and another guy from Ghostbusters, so SO funny!  I die laughing when I watch it!  So many hilarious one-liners in there, I quote it to Andy often, even though he doesn’t have a clue what I’m talking about.  Ha ha ha haaaaa!!!  I’m laughing just thinking about some of them!  51Gx0OecC8L._AA160_[1]

9. Dirty Dancing.  I used to watch them at my aunt’s house when I was babysitting her kids.  My mom refused to let me watch it so I’d sneak it when I could!  Who didn’t want to be Baby?

10. Magic Mike.  LOL!  Ok, I don’t know if it’s really on my top 10 list, but it kept popping up in my head so I put it down.  And how weird is it that my MIL got it for me for Christmas?  I forget I have it and have not watched it at home yet.  51h8Q8J0JjL._AA160_[1]

There you have it!  Link up with Trista over at Stewart Street and let us know what’s on your Top 10 list!



  1. Yay for couples retreat love Vince Vaughn! And yay for sex and the city LOVE! Love the series love both of the movies just amazing! I haven't really heard of the first three or four lol

    Its snowing here they dont say much but well see

    1. I like Sex and the City, but 2 is my favorite! :)

  2. Love Weekend at Bernies!

  3. The orginal Sex and the City... LOVE... Sequel, not so much! I adore Vince Vaughn, but for some reason didn't like Couples Retreat. There were a couple funny parts, but overall I thought it was just okay.

  4. We have the same taste in movies. Good picks!

  5. I need to put some of these on my list and I am LOLing about Magic Mike. When we went to the theatre to watch it this olllld lady yelled to the movie usher TAKE IT OFF!!!

  6. Yes to Swiss Family Robinson!! I swear I used to watch that movie every day! I had a crush on the oldest brother, Frtiz (????) , and wanted to,live in their treehouse so badly!!
