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Fitness Swag Swap Reveal

Last month I signed up for the Fitness Swap that Brew Mama and Camo and Lipstick were co-hosting.  I was the lucky girl who got paired up with Candra from Camo and Lipstick!  I have seen her name and blog mentioned all over the blogisphere and IG but have never taken my lazy butt over to her blog to find out what all the fuss was about.  I’m so glad I was paired up with her and started following her blog and IG!!!  She is such a great gal!  You should see the amazing/crazy/bizarre/WOW Yoga poses she contorts her tiny little body into!!!!  Seriously! The one just this week where she is upside down braced between the two walls of her hallway was amazing! I asked Andy if he thought I could do it, he pretty much dashed my dreams. Ha ha!  I told him I’d try it someday while he was at work then he’d come home to find me stuck there and have to help me down!


Anywho!  Candra was a super great partner and she sent me some pretty darn awesome Fitness swag!  Check it out!

Fitness Swap

I’m anxious to try all of the goodies pictured in the big square.  Can I use those Shot Blocks while nursing??  Candra recommended I try the Cinnamon Roll recipe on the back of the Gluten Free Pizza Crust package, which I will for sure be doing!  She sent me a book to read, will be enjoying that out in the sun this summer for sure!  And I’ll be passing it on to my sister and mom, Candra – sharing books is something I love to do, too!!!  I am having to hide my chapstick, Brennan had his eye on it and I am NOT sharing this one!

Thanks so much for all the goodies and the sweet note, Candra! Everything was so great! I’ve had fun getting to know you and will be a life long follower!  Good luck on your FIRST HALF MARATHON later this month!!! 

If you want to know what I got Candra go follow her blog!!!


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  1. What a great Fitness Swagswap! Thanks for participating!

  2. I love all your swag!! and those are my favorite flavor Shot Blocks :) have fun with all your new goodies.

  3. Nice! I need to take photos before I lose all my stuff!

  4. I want that tote!!! Sooo cute!

  5. What a great bunch of fitness swag!!!!

  6. Looks like you got great stuff!! I met Candra when I got paired up with her ages ago on that fall swap! She's really awesome!!

  7. Those shot block do have caffeine but I believe it's equal to a small cup of coffee. Check their website it's full of great information and ingredients on each flavor!! I can't wait to hear your review of the recipe! I use that mix for pizza crust and while it's no Pizza Hut it's pretty dang good. I'm so happy I got paired with you and feel free to text any time!! I can tell you where to soak your nipples bahahahaa.

  8. What great swag!! She was so thoughtful! I really had a great time doing this!! AND--getting to check out new blogs:)

  9. This is awesome Swag! My partner sent me a Lars Bar ( she's Candra sis in law) HA! I loved it!!!

  10. I am so curious about the GF pizza crust as cinnamon rolls. It sounds amaaaazing!
