10 April 2013

It’s Wednesday, So What!

Hey, girls, heeyyy!  How’s your Wednesday going?  Mine is wet, we are getting a lot of rain!  Flash flood watches are out, going to go for a drive later in the week to see how full the cricks and rivers are.  Otherwise things are back to normal around here. Aiden went back to school today, the baby is here and the house is a pit!  I have a lot of picking up and cleaning to do today. 

And now for another installment of

So What Wednesday

*So what if

  • I’m happy Aiden is back at school and not home bugging me anymore, we need a break from each other!
  • Brennan is wearing the shirt his grandparents got him for Easter for the 5th time since Easter Sunday (he picks it out himself and I just keep washing it for him)2013-04-10_08-38-05_748
  • I can’t make it past week 4 of C25K, I’m going to keep running that workout until I can make it through the second 5 minutes if it kills me!
  • I’m the mean mom who doesn’t let Aiden take his DS to school like some of the other kids.  Honestly, do they need to play that for the 10 minutes they sit there in the gym before class in the morning?  Why can’t they sit and talk instead? 
  • it’s only 8:45 a.m. and I’m already dreaming about drinking a Mt Dew
  • the Hawkeye’s Men Basketball team didn’t win the NIT Championship game – they made it that far and I think that’s pretty awesome
  • I chickened out and didn’t order those things from KLR – let’s be honest, they aren’t going to fit me right and I’m going to send them back so lets just skip that part and move on

What are you saying So What to today?



  1. AW yes!! Mountain Dew!

  2. Slow down and you can finish it! Focus on time running not how fast you're going :)

    and come on! You should have ordered those things! Boo! jk :) but seriously you should soon!

  3. I agree about the DS, they just aren't needed at school! Oh, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't ordered something from kikilarue yet. I just can't pull the trigger for some reason.

  4. You will get there (C25K). 13 months later, I'm running my first half marathon in 3 1/2 weeks. I started with C25K last March. Assuming you're new to running, just slow down a bit, hydrate before and BREATHE. Music helps too :) Good luck!

  5. I haven't ordered from KLR either - none of it would fit me ;/ womp womp ... oh well, maybe sometime soon =) ... I would never let my kid take his DS to school, he has lost his lunchbox, jacket, report card, do you think I am going to send him with a $300+ electronic game... uhhhnothankyouverymuch! =) Some parents are crazy! Rainy here today too ... oh well, i'm stuck at work anyways, let it rain =)

  6. Awww I haven't ordered from there either. You will get there on the c25K - it just takes time. I love ya girl.

  7. We are going to do this 5k thing if it kills us. I am going to do week 4 day 1 again tonight. If you don't get an email from me tomorrow, make sure you send out a search party, because I might be dead on the YMCA indoor track...

    At least you are washing B's shirt. You get extra points for that! I don't even want to talk about laundry. I have about 3 weeks of stuff to fold tonight. Plus 2 more loads that still have to be done. I hate laundry!!!

    Don't feel bad about the KLR thing. I ordered 3 dresses and none of them fit. I refuse to send them back, because I will fit in them before the end of summer!

  8. You should have ordered!!! It all would have looked great, you're so beautiful!! And tell B, I'd be wearing that shirt too, it's pretty cool!

  9. I have the same fear about ordering from KLR!!!!
