25 April 2013

Celebrate Your True Beauty

The day has come, girls, when we stand up and say “I AM BEAUTIFUL!”  Now, before I do that I have to tell you I do not think I am pretty at all.  Like, AT ALL.  So, this link up is extremely difficult for me. Then why am I co-hosting?  Good question! Ha!  Seriously, when Jodi asked for volunteers I didn’t really think about the meaning behind the link up, just knew I wanted to play with Jodi because she’s awesome.  (BTW- Alicia is super awesome, too!  Love that girl!) 
So here I am, listing 3 things about myself I think are beautiful. 
Holy shit, I think I’m possibly going to hyperventilate here. 
I have been panicking about this all week but have finally come up with 3 things I find kind of beautiful about myself.
1. My eyes.  When I look in my rear view mirror just right I think my eyes are pretty. 
2. My hair.  This is not meant as a cop-out.  I actually do think I have nice hair and I love it.  I love the color, I loved the natural hi-lites (before I went and had actual hi-lites done last week), I love the length.  I love that when I style it, it looks nice.  I love that it’s soft.  I love my hair.
3. The way I care about those I love.  I am pretty fierce in how I love people.  I think about them all the time, I worry about them all the time, I want to make things easier and better for them. 

Ok, wow, that was hard and embarrassing.  But I did it and I survived. Yay!
Now it’s your turn!  List 3 things you think are beautiful about yourself.  One can be an inner beauty answer but the other 2 should be outer beauty.  I can’t wait see what you all say!
And don’t forget about my prom link up on Tuesday!

Happy Thursday, friends!  You are beautiful!


  1. Ummm Erin, you are beautiful. That is exactly why we are doing this link up. What you see is not what we see. I've only known you for a little bit but just in that time I could tell you are an wonderful and beautiful person. This was an extremely hard link up because it is hard for us to believe we are beautiful. I'm so happy I got the chance to get to know you and look forward to us being even closer friends in the future..

  2. I am doing this on instagram today!! :) And you are gorgeous, my friend!

  3. Nice job and I think you're beautiful :)

  4. Love this!!!! You are such a beautiful woman!!!

  5. Erin, you are so, so beautiful! I agree with Alicia what you see is not what others see!! Your eyes, yes, your hair, yes, your smile, your nose, your face in be real! It's all gorgeous!
    And to add to that, your personality is incredible! You are so very giving, and I can tell that you love with more than your heart! I'm so very lucky to call you a friend! I'm looking forward to getting to know you even more!
    And thanks for doing the link up, and wanting to play with me!

  6. You are so beautiful Erin! Thank you for putting this link up together!
    samiciaccio - Instagram

  7. Love this! And you! agree with everything you said about yourself great job girlie! And you HAVE to do my hair someday just sayin :)

  8. I linked up for the first time today! So glad I found your blog. If you have a moment, follow me at www.dailydoseofdelsignore.com.

    1. Thanks for linking up, Wendy! I tried leaving you a comment on your post but s/t was funny and I couldn't get it to work. Hope to hear from you again, soon!

  9. You are simply lovely, my friend, inside and out. Sometimes, it just takes others to point out what we can't see about ourselves.

  10. I just found your blog today thru Marcy at The Mustache Diaries! And I love this link up. Thank you so much. I almost cried as i struggled to write mine. But this is TOTALLY want i needed today. THANK YOU! Plus your blog is awesome as for the few recent posts! Thank you for sharing. ANNNNNNND! I cannot wait for the prom link up next week! Got a great prom story as an adult! WOOT!

    1. I wish for all women this wouldn't be hard to do! I guess we need to teach our kids that confidence to look in the mirror and say "I'm beautiful!"

      OMG, I can't wait to hear your prom story!!! it's going to be a fun link up!

      Thanks for the nice comment! I hope to hear from you again, soon!

  11. You are beautiful girl! Great linkup!

  12. I don't think there's anything about you that isn't beautiful! You are a great person ERin! Be nicer to yourself! I love you!

  13. Erin! I think you are so pretty and I think your kindness and open personality make you that much more beautiful! You have been so kind to me and we will meet one day, I promise =) I love how you are just real and you get what you get - you don't try to be someone you are not. I know they say true beauty comes from within and that is definitely true about you but I also think you are a gorgeous woman and you should give yourself more credit!! =)

  14. OMG, you are totally beautiful! Gorgeous! I'm always drawn to your eyes in all your pictures! And your eyebrows have the BEST shape ever. I hate my eyebrows--I wish they had the flirtatious arch to them that yours do! And I wish I had a more feminine, less Jay-Leno-like jaw, like yours! Totally jealous over here!

  15. Girl, you are SO SO pretty!!! OMG you are gorgeous! So glad that you did this link up, so I could find you!! Loving you and your blog! Just sent you a request on IG as well! :)

    1. Wow, thanks! I'm speechless and very flattered that you'd say that! Glad you found me, too Ha! :) I hope to hear from you again soon!

  16. You are beautiful!! And your kind heart adds that glow that every girl wants to have :)
    Great link up.

    Erica Dee

    1. Aw, thanks, that's sweet of you to say!

  17. You're a MILF my friend! Your eyes always stand out in your pics to me.

  18. awesome Link up.
    Link ups like this are great for us ladies! We all need some attention and sit back and remember WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!
    You are very much!!! I do the same thing with my eyes..hehe. have a great night.

  19. Awesome post and you are beautiful. I especially like your facial structure. Great positive link up for all these women!
