05 April 2013

Spring is “Springing”

Yay yoo yippee for Friday!!!  Who’s excited? This girl is!

Yesterday we had beautiful, perfect SPRING weather!  It was so amazing!  The Baby and I went outside for a bit in the afternoon and I was able to get my flower beds cleaned out while she sat in her seat enjoying being outside.  Still have one spot to rake some leaves out of, but otherwise my beds are ready for spring!


Crocuses make me happy!

After school we were outside for most of the evening.  We even planted our onions!


Brennan was trying to look out the window this morning to see if they were growing yet. The red onions we planted were already growing when we got them at the store, that is what you (kind of) see popping up out of the dirt.  This no camera thing is for the birds!  So sorry for the poor quality pics.

Aiden did some farming.


And I did some daydreaming about what our summer has in store for us:



The one thing missing from yesterday’s spring weather was us grilling our supper.  Tonight would be another great night for grilling out but we are heading to town for supper for my mom’s birthday.  The next 5 days are supposed to be wet and getting colder every day, so I guess that grill will stayed covered up for another week.

I have a ton of stuff to get done today and tomorrow for the bridal shower my mom, sister and I are throwing on Sunday, better hop to!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Oh, one more thing!  I love love LOVE all the comments I’ve been getting and I always enjoy emailing you back with a reply.  The problem is some of you are set up as a ‘no-reply blogger’ so I CAN’T email you back!  So pretty please check your settings to see if you are set this way and then change it so I can email you back.  I don’t want you thinking I’ve snubbed you!  Thanks, Loves!



  1. Hope you have a great weekend and good luck with your party! I'm ready for some grilling weather too! We're busting that bad boy out tomorrow for G's party!!

  2. Things never grow for me but I want a garden so bad. I literally kill everything!

  3. Of course you would have a garden! You are too perfect. I have a brown thumb. Everything I touch instantly dies.

    Love the picture of your little man on his tractor. So so cute!!

    Have a good weekend!

  4. Love love LOVE your landscaping! The stone pathway is adorable! It got up to 50 yesterday which was just absolutely amazing. Thank goodness spring is finally starting to peek out! I hope the weather forecast is wrong and we get nothing but sun this weekend (although looking over my cube wall at the window, I don't see anything encouraging in the sky). :) Have an AMAZING weekend!

  5. I love grilling out! Yummy! You should blog about your gardening skills!

  6. Yay for spring, finally!! It is beautiful here today - sunny and around 60 degrees ... i'm stuck inside working but I can still look out the window, ha! Now you have me wishing I would have set something out to grill because that sounds pretty darn good right now! Sitting on the deck watching the boys play while cooking out ... pretty much my heaven! =) ... Glad you're getting some of this awesome weather too =) Have a great weekend!!!

  7. I enjoy working outside, I think we may be crazy!! Haha :) glad you're enjoying the weather!!
