30 April 2013

This Is Your Night Prom (Link Up) 2013

I am such a girlie girl, I LOVE getting all dressed up!  So prom was definitely my thing!  Plus there’s the dancing, one of my fav things to do in the whole world!  With prom season in full swing I couldn’t think of a better thing to do than throw a link up party PROM style! 

I’m going to warn you, this is a major photo dump!  Too many hilariously grotesque pictures not to share!  Sit back and enjoy a good laugh!  (And let me preface this by saying I know I needed more makeup for BOTH proms, what was I thinking?!?)

My Junior Prom

Date: Andy (my now-husband)

Details:  Well, I can’t remember the cheesy theme anymore, but what I do remember is that Andy and I decided that since we didn’t have the same friends we’d go by ourselves to supper…in town….at the old people’s “nice” restaurant…way early…so we had to dink around and kill time before the dance actually started because we had 3 1/2 hours between Grand March and the dance.  I don’t have any pictures from After Prom, but I remember being incredibly tired (the latest I’d probably ever stayed up – wasn’t a night owl) and that I didn’t win anything during the door prize section of the night.  Afterwards I slept the night (or what was left of it) at Andy’s parent’s in their spare room.  And took out a million and one bobby pins the next morning.

Formal Picture:

Now for the candid's:
Pinning on the boutonnière, and you can see the back of my dress here.


Andy was a gentleman, opening my door for me.  This was at my parent’s farm.


My car was ‘fancier’ than his truck, so he drove my car (and me) to prom! Ha! 

This is at his parent’s house (below).  I remember I felt so dumb getting our pictures taken outside as cars drove by.  One more thing about this year – looks like the seamstress altered my dress just a leetle too short.  Ugh!  Never noticed that until now! And this dress is hanging in my closet right now (I can’t let it go!).


Senior Prom

Date: Andy!

Details:  Again, I can’t remember the theme but I know it was a song title, like Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry (or s/t like that!).  Since it was our senior prom I helped set it up.  The colors were black and purple.  This year we decided to go to prom with all of Andy’s buddies and their dates.  We went to the big city for supper (smarter!) after Grand March and ate at a fancy restaurant with reservations (we felt so grown up, ha ha!).  One guy got Lobster, it sucked.  But what do you expect in Iowa?  No fresh Lobster here!  Then we high-tailed it back to the dance with the After Prom after (duh, Erin!).  Again, didn’t win a damn thing! We had a great time, lots of fun!  It was definitely better going with other couples. 

Formal Picture:


Pinning on Andy’s boutonniere.  The back of my dress (aww, to be young and free of back fat again!  Seriously, size 1!!  I wish I could go back to those days!)


And helping me into MY car again!  LOL!


Here’s the group picture.  We are the second couple from the left.  Dark dresses must have been ‘in’ that year.


And I had to throw this gem in, for shits and giggles!  Andy’s on the right.

Oh, and YES, I still have this dress, too!  Hoarder, much?


There you have it!  My proms! Now lets see yours!!!


  1. Aw! I love this! I forgot to get my prom pictures. I will have to post later tonight!

  2. Ugh... I am so bummed that I am still MIA. Because, I have some amazing prom pictures. Let me just leave you with this mental picture. Lime green mid-driff dress, and Donna Martin circa 1996 hair. Don't be jealous!!!

    Love your pictures Miss Skinny!!!

  3. I loved both of your dresses! I still have my prom dress vacuum sealed and I am so scared its just going to e all shrivled when I get it out whenever I decide to lol

    I love that he took your car so cute :)

  4. AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adorable... You guys are too cute.

  5. You guys are too cute!! Your dresses are so pretty! I love that you kept them!!
    Such great memories for you to pass along, considering you're now married with kids! I love it!!
    Great link up idea Erin!!

  6. What a great fun link up! Sadly, i never went to any proms in High school :( boooo I KNOW! :(
    I love how Andy was your date and hes now your husband, so awesome!

  7. What a skinny minnie! I love that you went to both proms with your husband! And I'm pretty sure my sister had the dress you wore to your senior prom! Velvet bodice, right? :) Haha!

  8. Very cute!! I have to dig for my prom pics - I will tonight if I have time.

  9. This is awesome! I need to rummage around for my old prom pics now. :)

  10. That is so cool how your High School date is your husband now! :) I don't blame him for snatching you up ;) You looked FABULOUS!!

    Erica Dee

  11. THANK YOU for doing this! I had so much fun!! What a great idea! I also went to two proms with da hubs! Guess he kinda stuck!

  12. You guys were too cute. I love the pictures! I'm so sad I did't get to do your link up.. even sadder that I didn't go to prom. booo .

  13. LOVE This.... I swear some of my dresses looked exactly like this! I see we follow a lot of the same people too! Great minds think alike.

    My May giveaway will be for a new blog design by my personal designer! Starts in 2 days! Our Journey
