15 April 2013

5 Different Directions

Hello!  Wow, is it really MONDAY already?!?  Our weekend was so busy, it just flew right on by without me being in it at all!  The 4 of us went 5 different directions from each other all weekend.  Saturday we did the old ‘conquer and divide’ trick with the boys.  Brennie had his first friend birthday party to go to at the same time as Aiden’s soccer game.  So B-boy and I went to the birthday party for Luke, who’s now 3!  Happy Birthday, Luke!

I just have to take a moment to say please do NOT let your children help the birthday kid open their presents!  It is one of my biggest pet peeves – you only get 1 birthday a year, you should not have to share the unwrapping of your gifts with others.  I don’t and I’m 32!  My kids are not allowed to help parents, grandparents or other kids unwrap their gifts because it is THEIR special day. We also have a rule that they do not have to share their new gifts with their siblings for that one day because they deserve to get to have them all to themselves for 1 whole day.  I might be a bit of a Nazi about this, but that is the rules at our house and we all abide by them and know them. 

So, Brenner and I had a great lunch and DELCIOUS cupcakes at the party.  Meanwhile, at the soccer field was Andy and Aiden.  Sounds like they had a good game.  Sorry, not much info on that one.

Saturday night we met friends in the big city for supper, then went to another couple’s house and hung out with them. They have a 6 month old baby, Piper, cute as a button!  She was so happy and gave me lots of smile, loved spending time with her and her folks!  The boys were super good, played their DS’s quietly while us adults had some laughs.  Came home in time to watch Vince Vaughn (yummy!) on SNL only to fall asleep before his first skit.  Womp womp.  I tried so hard, too!!  Ha ha, oh well, I might try to watch some on YouTube later.

Sunday was the second bridal shower my mom, sister and I gave for a cousin’s fiancé.  Everything went great and we had a wonderful time!  We played one game, because I was in charge of that and think shower games are tacky.  So we did this:

Finish the Bride’s Phrase



Love and_________________________

Best Man’s_______________________











The bride answered with one word answers first, then everyone wrote down the words they thought she used.  It was fun and silly to see what everyone thought she’d said.  Her sisters were really into it so that made it even more fun.  Then we read this poem:

On May 25, 2013, Bryan and Roxanne will PLEDGE themselves to each other and Roxanne will GAIN a new last name. It’s no SECRET that their life will be full of JOY. We know you think your HONEY is FANTASTIC but your CHARMIN fella might not always be MR. CLEAN. You might have to put in some EXTRA effort and give your counters a SOFT SCRUB. Remember to always SNUGGLE up close at night. At DAWN take on the new day and live your lives in total BLISS.

The words in bold are all cleaning products, so when each word was read we’d hold up the product and then put it in a basket for the bride to take with her.  It was a bit pricey ($50) but both bride’s loved it so it was worth the expense.  I found both ideas on Pinterest, in case you were wondering.  I wish I could take credit for writing that poem, though!

So, while I was at the shower, Andy took Aiden to a skating party, dropped him off, came back home with Brennan, and spent time here together working outside in the garage on his workbench he’s building.  We finally all got back together at the house around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. 

Thanks for all of the concern for Mr. Brenner-man and his eye! He’s doing great, it’s getting uglier by the day but the swelling has gone down quite a bit.  Here’s a picture of it from yesterday. He’s still smiling!



Here are some of my daffodils, they are finally opening up!!!


And to show how busy of a weekend we had, Brenner fell asleep sitting up on the couch last night while enjoying a sucker!  Sweet little sugar pie!


I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  See you tomorrow!



  1. I love the sucker picture! His eye still makes me hurt but I'm glad it's getting better! LIfe is certainly different with kids isn't it!?! Seems like there's not enough hours some days!

  2. I'd hate to see what that tub looks like! :) I'm glad it's getting better at least. I love word game idea for a bridal shower. I might have to steal it.

  3. poor guy at least its getting better! I think I may have fell in love with you a little more I thought i was the ONLY one with a vince vaughn crush! I LOVE him there is just something about him! haha :)

  4. I love that yo have present opening rules!!! I've never thought of that, but what a great idea! It really must make the kids feel extra special! And no sharing toys for the day, GENIOUS!
    Happy Monday doll!

  5. Poor Brenner! And I love your rules!! We are working on that too!!
