17 April 2013

Holding Me Accountable

Happy Wednesday!  Wow, this week is scooting right along, isn’t it?!?  Let me start by begging for your votes so I can win a blog makeover from Hubby Jack.  Just follow this link and leave a comment with my name and blog address.  Thanks dolls!  I appreciate it!


So today is Weigh In Wednesday with Erin and Alex.  I signed up for Live Better America’s weekly newsletter a couple of years ago. They have awesome recipes that are healthy every week.  Two weeks ago the newsletter had this great article called “Fuel Your Workout”.  It came at just the right time for me because I was thinking about that.  I thought I’d share the link with you, it might be helpful for some of you, too.

Last week I was talking about how I couldn’t get past week 4 of the C25K plan, that I was so tuckered out during the last 5 minute run and couldn’t make it through it.  You guys gave me so much help on this!  I didn’t realize I was possibly running TOO FAST (say what?!).  So I slowed it down and guess what, I made it through the whole workout!!!  I was so excited!  So this week I am on week 5. I am anxious to see how the longer runs go. 

On a different note, I have been a little lax on working out over the last week or so.  I have wanted to hit the mill but just…haven’t.  Lame.  I have every intention of getting to the basement but once the baby comes I can’t. So that leaves evenings, and it seems we’ve been so busy in the evenings that I just haven’t gotten to it.  This does not mean I’m giving up, it just means I need to make it my priority more than I have been.  So, I am pulling a Mel and making my schedule and putting it out there for all to see.  I hope this holds me accountable. 

Wednesday: walk 30 min, Tank Top Arms workout, squats, lunges

Thursday: W5D2/C25K

Friday: walk 30 min, TTA workout, squats, lunges

Saturday: W5D3/C25K

Sunday: rest day

Monday: W6D1/C25K

Tuesday: walk 30 min, TTA, squats, lunges

In addition to this I am needing to get back on the water train.  I haven’t had any water for about 2 weeks, that’s pretty sad and disgusting.  No, I have not gone overboard on the Green Giant (Mt Dew), only 1 a day, I have just not been drinking anything.  Milk at meals and one Dew a day is all.  So, my goal for the next week is to get 32 oz. of water every day.  No, that is not enough but I can’t set myself up for failure so for the next week it is 32oz. per day, then I’ll up the goal. 

So, can I count on some of you to email/text/harass me to help me get back on track and stay on track with both the water and the workout? 


I hope you all have a wonderful hump day!  I’m planning to!



  1. You can count on me. I haven't done any meaningful workout in almost 2 weeks so I'm going to need someone to kick my butt into gear soon too!

  2. Put in a vote for your blog =) Good Luck!

  3. Pulling a mel. I love you girl... I am right here with you - chugging along...

  4. Way to go Erin! That was a tip I was given yesterday, don't run too fast!! It worked for me as well!!!

  5. I am voting for you today! See I told you if you slowed your ass down you could power through those workouts :) I need to make a schedule too and stick to it not just get it in when I can.

    The green giant haha now everytime I see mt dew i think of you. It's ok you can count on me! I am drinking about 90oz-120oz of water a day I still hate it but I do it, its getting easier except i am so f ing sick of peeing every 5 minutes! haha but I guess you do what you gotta do just keep going ! :)

  6. Just start chugging water girl! Get it done! remember one bay day is ok because you can start over again the next morning! You can do it!

  7. You got this! I need you to because I've been slacking bad! = )

  8. Way to go with over coming week 4! "Slow & steady wins the race." Chug! Chug! Chug! Water, not mtn dew ;)

  9. Voted! And I am totally in on the harassing of you :)

  10. Way to be accountable!! I'll be checking in on ya!!
    You can do it!!

  11. Awesome job, I would LOVE to do C25k, but right now my body cannot even handle running! I'll get there though!

