14 April 2014

Weekend Rewind

Good Monday morning, all! 

How was your weekend?  If you remember from my post on Friday, we had a busy weekend planned.  Saturday started with soccer games.  Both boys had great games!  The weather was spectacular, mid 70’s during the game and sunny!  This year Aiden’s team is starting to play positions, which made the game a lot of fun to watch because there was a little strategy going on.  Aiden did awesome, played aggressive and got in there and made some good plays. (He is second from the right in this picture.)


Brennan made 2 goals in his game!  Oh that boy, he’s so sweet!  We’d throw up a big cheer for him and he’d turn and smile his sweet, innocent smile!  Then he’d put his tongue up to his top lip, which is what he’s always always done when he’s please with himself but feeling shy and excited about it!  Ha ha, love that!  Of course, watching a bunch of 4 and 5 years old run around the soccer field is super adorable and there are always cute little things to chuckle over, but I think my favorite ‘funny’ thing from Saturday was when, after the game when they were shaking hands and saying “good game”, our team stood still and made the other team walk by them to shake their hands.  It was pretty funny, they didn’t know they should be walking too!  Cute cute!  Here’s a picture of that. Bren’s #7.


After his game, Aiden left with his friend’s to go to Planet X to celebrate his buddy’s birthday.  He had a blast!  Here’s the pic the mom sent me.


Saturday afternoon it got into the 80’s here!  Wow!  I finally was able to get Tate’s chubbies out!  We were outside quite a bit, it felt so good!  Andy tilled the garden while the little boys and I watched.  Speaking of that, I know some of you have asked for some posts on gardening, and I will be doing some of those this Spring as I’m working the garden. Stay tuned!  And let me know if there’s anything specific you want me to write about.

Sunday was church and religion classes.  Then for supper we went to Andy’s brother’s for Easter.  Because it was a rainy, sloppy mess we didn’t do our annual GIANT egg hunt (hallelujah!).  I love the egg hunt for the kids, so fun, but the massive amounts of candy they get I don’t like.  So this year they did a scavenger hunt to find their baskets in the house.  They each got two buckets that were stuffed to the brim from their grandparents and aunt and uncle.  Candy, yes, but also paddle balls, light up balls, coloring books and legos.  Perfect!  I missed out on the scavenger hunt (and didn’t get any pictures) because I was off hiding in the corner feeding Tate most of the night.  Poor guy, the noise and craziness just totally overstimulated him and he was not having any of it!  He was fighting his sleep and was just fussy.  Finally I took him to the basement living room and laid him on the floor to stretch out and have some peace and quiet.  Totally did the trick.  He was perfectly happy and content there.  Lesson learned.

When we got home we put the boys to bed and finished off Season 6 of Mad Men, just in time to watch the first episode of Season 7 on TV.  We love this show and are sad this is it’s last season.  We are excited to watch it as it’s happening, though, and not a year later on Netflix. 

Okay, I have to brag.  Tia sent me the images of my new blog design and I am in LOVE!!!  Oh my gosh, did she do an amazing job! So far beyond my wildest dreams, I couldn’t be happier! I cannot wait until next Tuesday when we roll it out! 

I have joined up with about 17 other gals for a massive fitness related giveaway!  That’s going to start THIS Wednesday. Rumor has it that part of the giveaway is a Polar!  You WON’T want to miss this one!

So tell me, how was your weekend?  What should our next series be that we watch on Netflix? Did you do any Easter Egg Hunts this weekend?



  1. I remember the first time we had Mav at a big family gathering and he freaked out!! I had to do the same thing, remove him from the crazy and he calmed down. Poor babes.

    OMG - how cute is that little soccer player?! Watching any sport at that age is so stinking cute!!

    Yay for the new blog design!! Hopefully the side bar doesn't block part of your post like it is now!! Grrr!!!

    A free Polar - WHAT?! Sign me up!

  2. Ha!! I know...my button is huge. We will fix all that!! Too funny!!

  3. Fun weekend!!! I would love to know how to get started gardening. What are some easy things to plant for a beginner etc?

  4. Oh and Mad Men! I binge watched all the seasons before season 6 last year. What did you think of last nights episode?

  5. Two goals in one game?! WAY TO GO Brennan!
    Your weekend was busy, but sounds fun.
    I don't know if Dexter is out on Netflix, but even if it isn't you should check it out! It was one of the best shows!
