04 April 2014

Pimping Out

Today I thought I’d pimp out a few blogs I have recently started reading.  Over the past year so many of my favorite bloggers have thrown in their hats and given up blogging.  I have made such good friends through blogging and miss those bloggers so much.  Kate, Kadie, Becky, Mel, Jodi… I could name at least 5 more.  Because they have stopped blogging, or are taking a break, I don’t have many blogs to read anymore so I have been searching for some new blogs.  If I have maybe you have too?  I thought I’d share some of my new daily reads, maybe you’ll like them, too. 
First, before I get to those, I wanted to pimp out my girl Alicia.  She is co-hosting a Swag Swap, sign ups are going on right now!  This is for bloggers and IG users only.  There are 2 categories to sign up for: Fitness and Divas.  Click on the button below if you want more details and to sign up! Hurry, time is a wasting!
Brew Mama

Now for some new blogs to check out.

Our Journey

Our Journey is written by Sarah, a mom to a cute little boy and a self described ‘pavement pounder’.  She’s super sweet and her blog is easy to read and well written.

Wife, Mommy, Me is about Stephanie, another mommy to a cute little boy.  She writes about her daily life as a mom and is also a good writer who is easy to read. 

And please go check out Hands On, Pants Off.  If you like more of a bold, ‘tell it like it is’ blogger, Tia is your gal!  She writes about her life with her husband and her bulldogs.  She is also a blog designer, in case you’re looking for a facelift! 

Go check these gals out, you’ll love them!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Thanks for the shout out lady! I can't wait to get started on your blog design!

  2. I'm always looking for new blogs so I'll definitely be checking these ladies out... thank you!

  3. I feel the same way. A lot of blogs I used to read just stopped blogging. Thanks for the new reads. :)

  4. I need to check these out! I miss blogging, but it's no fun when you can't share pictures of your daily happenings.

  5. Thanks for the recommendations!!
    Sorry I stopped! Lol! I'll be back to it...one day!

  6. Haven't seen any of those! I'll check them out!

  7. Awesome list!! Thanks for the sharing about the swap, its going to be a lot of fun!!
