23 April 2014

Another Giveaway?!? YES!!!

I have been bragging all week about how awesome Tia is, she gave me the blog makeover of my dreams!  Now it’s your turn to be the lucky one!  Tia and I are teaming up to give one of our readers a redesign for their blog.  Here’s what you will receive with the package:


The rafflecopter is at the bottom of this post, be sure to sign up!  Tia is so fun and easy to work with, you will love what she can do for you!


Now for Weigh In Wednesday.

Weigh In Wednesday

I haven’t weighed in for a few weeks.  Last I knew I had lost 40lbs since having Tate, and I am down 1 or 2 pant sizes, depending on what brand of jeans I am wearing that day. 

What have I done to lose the weight? Not a darn thing but breastfeed the little tot.  I know how incredibly lucky I am to have lost that much weight without lifting a finger but now the hard work starts so I can lose another 20.  I haven’t been very dedicated to working out.  In fact, I’ve been pretty lazy about it.  I want to workout but that motivation isn’t there, which is weird because shouldn’t the motivation come from wanting to lose 20 more pounds?  My eating isn’t very great, either.  Too many goodies in the candy bowl,and now it’s even fuller from Easter. 

Andy and I definitely enable each other where bad eating habits are concerned.  After the boys go to bed at night and we settle in to watch TV one of us always talks the other into having a snack, which consists of junk.  This is something that has to stop if either of us are going to lose weight.

I do have some NSV’s to share.  First, my wedding ring slips on and off much easier now.  Before I got pregnant I could barely pull it off, now it is much easier. 

Second, people keep paying me compliments on how great I look after having Tate.  They are noticing the weight loss, always a bonus!

Third is the jeans thing.  It’s so great to pull out my old jeans (although they aren’t trendy) and have them zip up without having to suck it in.

I say it over and over, but it is time to get my exercising on track.  I need to get that in place, then I can work on the eating.  In the meantime I’ll try to get as much water down as possible and work more fruit and veggies into my diet. 


Now here’s the rafflecopter for the blog re-design giveaway!  It’s open through Friday, we’ll announce the winner on Monday! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. You are kicking butt my friend!!!

  2. Way to go lady! Mark has to hide the candy from me otherwise I would be hoarding the bowl in the corner as "my precious"

  3. You are rocking the weight loss! So proud of you!

  4. Girl you are doing amazing... so happy for you! It sounds like my post today probably might help you :) Take that baby out for a walk for 30 mins. a day and see how that helps you get exercising... I know it's not a lot but that 30 minutes moving outside each day helps me SO much!

  5. 40 lbs without lifting a finger?! BEYOND JEALOUS!!
    Now that Spring is really here to stay, getting out and about to go on walks and such should be a little more enticing. :)

  6. I'm so proud of you that you've already lost 40 pounds!! That's insane! Especially without doing anything!! You'll get to that last 20. I know it's hard. You guys sound like us, after the kids are jn bed we both want to snack! It's horrible. But I feel if he has something, it's ok for me to as well. This sucks! We need to motivate each other!!

  7. Great job! Start walking with the baby - the fresh air will get him to sleep better :) You will feel great too - not only are you walking but you are walking with some resistance with the stroller :)

    I want to lose that much without doing a thing :)
