22 April 2014

Easter 2014

Hello!  Welcome to Tuesday.  How was your Easter?  We had a nice one. The boys were thrilled with their baskets the Easter Bunny left them and I was thrilled with the potluck lunch we had with the extended family. Ha!


This was Brennan’s loot.  A floaty board for swimming, a puzzle, markers, a blue baseball, Under Armour shirt and shorts, Easter Egg gum and a Reeses Pieces carrot.  Oh, and soccer net!


Tate’s first Easter was good to him as well.


Books, clothes, a teething football, and socks.  He wore the overall outfit for Easter and looked so darn cute in it!  And of course I forgot to take a picture.  Bummer.

After the big potluck dinner my folks and sister’s family came here to our house so my mom could give the kids their baskets.


My nephew Charley, Aiden, Brennan, niece Nora Jean and Baby Tate laying flat on his back, ha ha!

I had Andy take a couple of pictures of me and my dad.  I realized I haven’t shown you an ‘after’ picture of my dad since his accident and rehab. 


I sure do love him.  Besides Andy and the boys, he’s my most favorite person in the whole world.  He’s doing awesome, btw.  He’s back to work full time, he’s driving on his own, he’s almost 100% back to his old self.  The only way you’d know something happened is if he tried calling you by your name (he can’t remember most people’s names) or if he mixed up common words when telling a story (like hospital and store, he switches those around a lot).  Otherwise he’s my dad again!  Love him!

Thanks for all of the compliments on my new blog design! Tia’s awesome!  Don’t forget, tomorrow we are doing a giveaway, so if you are looking for a blog makeover make sure you come back tomorrow to sign up for the Rafflecopter!  Here’s what you could win:


Tomorrow the big winner of the Get Fit for Summer Giveaway will be announced, make sure you come back for that also!

Have a great day!

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  1. Looks like you had a great Easter weekend!

  2. So glad your dads doing so well!!!

  3. Oh goodness, Tate's new outfits are SO cute! And so glad to hear your dad is doing so well... what an extra special blessing this Easter!

  4. Your dad looks awesome! Great pic of you two!

  5. Sorry I'm running behind, I love the look of the new blog design!

    Looks like the boys made out like bandits for Easter.

    Your dad looks great!

  6. Love the pic of your and your Dad! You both look great!! Mav got two of those same books :)

  7. Tate is getting so big! Great job on the Easter baskets :)

  8. Aw what a great day!!! Looks like it was a fabulous weekend!

  9. We have that Follow that Bee book! Looks like you had a great ESter! :)

  10. I loveeeee your new layout!!! Glad you had a good Easter!

  11. You can totally see the new overall outfit you got Tate where he is laying on the floor. Could that kid be any cuter? Seriously. He is a doll!

    Did Aiden and Brennan get the same thing for Easter? I'm assuming so since you just showed the one.

    Your dad looks great. I'm so happy that he is doing well in his recovery!

  12. The Easter bunny certainly did an awesome job with the boys' baskets!
    LOVE that picture of you and your dad. It's so great to see/hear that he's doing so well!!

  13. Looks like the bunny was good to the boys!! I just love Tate's little outfits! And the picture of you and your dad, wow, you both look so happy!! I'm glad he's his old self again!!
