28 April 2014

Blog Design Giveaway Winner Announced

Before I tell you who the big winner is I want to thank each and every one of you for entering!  Tia is so awesome, both as a blog designer AND a blogger so I hope you get in touch with her when you are ready to update your own blog!  The proof is in the pudding, just look at what she did for me!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! 

The winner of the blog re-design giveaway is…..


You have no idea how badly Angela wanted to win this! She told me so in every comment she left me since I announced we were giving this away!

Congratulations, NICE Ang!

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  1. Too fun! Can't wait to get started Ang! Let's take your blog to the next level!

  2. Awesome, can't wait to see the new design!!

  3. Yay Ang! I know she wanted this so bad! I can't wait to see it!!!

  4. YAY Ang!!! Cant' wait to see her new design!
