24 January 2013

This, That Or The Other Thursday

Thanks to all you put their two cents in on the bead board vs. wallpaper decorating dilemma!  I think I’ll go the wallpaper route, although I still need to figure out the logistics of it.  Hopefully next time I hit up the big city I can find a place that sells the style of paper I’m looking for, then I can get it ordered and put up!  After pictures to come (lets hope it’s before the baby comes!).

Speaking of decorating, I have to tell you about one of my BBF’s (best blogging friend, duh!) new blogs!  I bet a lot of you know Shelli from Beauty and The Baseball Coach. Well, she’s starting a second blog that is dedicated to decorating and DIY projects called Shelli Shabby Chic (I just love that name!!!).  Please please PLEASE go check out Shelli’s new blog!  I can’t wait to see what all she posts about on there!

I wanted to brag about my little Brenner Bug.  We, of course, think he’s the cutest thing since sliced bread but you never know what others really think of your little one.  Well, here’s the email I received from his Preschool teacher, Mrs. A.

Oh Erin! You do not know how much I love having him preschool! He is such a good boy! And I can't believe how much he has come out of his shell! I am so excited that he and Brett have become buddies too! They are a really good pair together! If you would like to leave Brennan in preschool for a few years or send Aiden to preschool I would not object! :) 

That email totally made my day when I got it.  It’s nice to know someone else loves our little guy and thinks he’s great, too.

Did you know today is National Compliment Day?  Make sure to pass on some love to someone today.

Today in history: Beer was first sold in cans (1935).  Just thought you should know that. Ha!

And one more thing – I am 18 weeks today and Baby is the size of a sweet potato.

Just a reminder about my Love Story link up coming up on Valentine’s Day. I hope you join in on the fun! 



  1. Oh that is so sweet of his teacher to send you that! I love hearing great things about my kids from their teachers, makes me feel like I'm doing something right. :)

  2. Thanks for the shout out girl! You are so sweet! i can't wait to see your project! That was so sweet of your son's preschool teacher to tell you that - aren't you so proud? :)I'm excited about the love story link up!
