07 January 2013

Family Togetherness Night

Good Monday morning!  How was your weekend?  Mine was great but it feels like it flew by faster than usual.  Saturday afternoon it felt like Sunday so I thought “Bonus!  An ‘extra day’!”  That extra day zoomed by so fast I don’t even feel like I had it.  Boo!

Friday night we shut the TV off and spent time together as a family without that interruption.  That was one of my goals for the New Year.  Aiden received a Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab for Christmas.  Basically you make gross sounding stuff, like Zombie Brains, that taste surprisingly like candy.  Here’s how our Zombie experiments went in pictures.


The Zombie Brains tasted like sour cherries, yum!

If you have a 6-8 year old boy that you need a gift for go with the Dr. Dreadful Labs.  They have a gross factor that boys love and are pretty simple and fast to make so they give the kid instant gratification.  And no, I’m not getting any benefits from Dr. Dreadful for this rave review! Ha!

Tell me how your weekend was! 

Oh, and I changed up the look of the blog a bit.  I get bored easily with that kind of stuff.  What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww I love this - you are so cute and family time is such a wonderful thing.
