03 January 2013

Alone Again…Naturally

Thursday morning and I’m home alone.  The boys are at school and this house is quiet.  It feels so weird.  Kind of like the first day of school, I don’t quite know what to do with myself.  It was really hard dropping the boys off at school BUT I didn’t cry (a victory for me).  They were so darn happy to head back to school, that helped me be okay with coming home alone.  So now what to do?  Clean and get back on the exercise wagon.

Speaking of the exercise wagon, I have been a big fat failure on this.  Ever since I knew Andy and I were trying to get pregnant I've just kind of let it all go.  Stupid!  I know if I exercise all through my pregnancy it will be that much easier to lose the baby weight (and I’ll gain less baby weight, therefore having less to lose!).  I am tired of feeling fat, frumpy, pudgy and ugly.  The baby bump is starting to come out but all it looks like is a big, fat stomach because of all the stomach fat it is pushing out first.  It’s terrible and it’s bringing me down.  I’m to the point where I don’t want my husband to see me naked or without a shirt on.  I saw a picture of me from Christmas and holy cow, my face is so round and I have about 10 chins. 

IMG_1477It’s ridiculous that I have let this pregnancy be an excuse to not exercise.  Pregnancy doesn’t make me an invalid and I know it is very good for me and the baby if I do keep active and exercise.  So today is the day, my friends.  Today I start 20 minutes of cardio (Zumba) 3 times a week and 3 days a week of strength training (lunges, squats, arms).  I will continue to drink water and try to increase that amount to 64 oz. a day.  It’s hard enough for me to drink 32 oz. so 64 is going to be a big deal. 

Time to get off this computer so I can get moving!  First, though, I want to recommend a book to you.  It’s by Elin Hilderbrand, the title is ‘The Island’.  It’s a very good story with a little romance but no smut.  Check it out!

Talk soon!



  1. I indulged with my pregnancy and gained 50 pounds. I enjoyed every minute because it's the one time in your life you can. However, next time around, I want to walk and eat better for myself and baby. I think if you just did a little something every day you would feel so much better and be more comfortable with your growing body. I think you look great!

  2. I did the same thing with pregnancy, you got this girl go shake your booty at some Zumba!

    1. Ok, Miss, do you have your profile set up that your comments don't get emailed??? I never get your comments!!! I'm so sorry! It's weird that I get everyone elses, tho. Hmm, not sure what to think.

      Thanks,girl! I appreciate the encouragement, it's very motivating!!! You rock!

  3. Trust me - it took 2 years for me to get off my bum.. You WILL do this - I know it.
