02 January 2013

Christmas Recap … A Week Late

Hey there!  Here’s my Christmas recap. 

The boys had a great Christmas and were very spoiled by everyone.  Aiden received 4 Lego sets and already has them all put together.  If you need a gift idea for a 6/7 year old, go the Lego route! 


Bren’s favorite gift was his Imaginext Castle.  Again, if you need a gift idea for a 3-8 year old, any Imaginext play sets are awesome for this age group.  Aiden has 3 sets and has played with Brennan’s non-stop and Brennan plays with it all the time, too. 


Another great idea, Hot Wheels wall tracks.  You can get multiple sets and connect them so they are even cooler than if you just had one set. 

Here’s the annual jammie picture taken at my folk’s place.  The grandkids each get a new set of pj’s for Christmas every year.


Santa (aka Andy) was very good to me this year.  I got a Sherpa throw (have you seen these?? Super duper soft!), some new fun boots, an IPod shuffle and a few other odds and ends. 

The food was delicious everywhere we went.  Chicken Tortilla soup at my parent’s, Taco Burgers and snacks at my in-laws, Cheese Soup and way too much food at my Gma’s and lasagna at my aunt and uncle’s.  I haven’t stepped on the scale, mostly because the battery is dead and I keep forgetting to get a new one at the store.  But if it wasn’t dead I think I’d be sorry I checked!

One last picture, the boys after church Christmas Eve at my parent’s house. 


A quick pregnancy update: I am 15 weeks tomorrow and still wearing my normal clothes.  Weird for me.  I know for lots of people this is common, but with the boys I was wearing maternity pants by 12 weeks so for me this is crazy!  But a good thing because I am having one heck of a time finding maternity jeans!  Seriously, where do they hide them??  I hate the full panel but that’s all I can find so far!  Or if I do find some with a band they are hideous.  So I don’t know what I’ll do, this regular clothes thing can’t last much longer.  On the downside, I can tell I’m pudging out – quit a bit.  It’s hideous.  I have rolls and chub EVERYWHERE!!!  Yuck.  I don’t remember feeling ugly and disgusting with the boys but this time I for sure do.  I have a check up next Thursday, can’t wait to hear the little one’s heartbeat again.  If any of you have any ideas of where I can find cute, AFFORDABLE maternity clothes please let me know.  I can’t stand the thought of spending a ton of money on these clothes I’ll only wear a few months but I’m almost to that point.  Help a preggo out!

The boys and I had our dental check ups this morning (ugh), all good, no cavities.  I might jinx myself here but I have never had a cavity in my life.  Hope my boys get the same good luck. 

Yay for today!  It’s Wednesday already!  2 more days till the weekend again, woot woot!  Hope by then my cold is gone.  This thing really sucks. My nose burns all the time, I sneeze a ton and it’s a constant drip.  Yuck, ew.  I got it from Brennan so he’s in the clear now, hope I don’t pass it on to Aiden and Andy. 

Alright, enough rambling.  Hope you all are recovered from NYE and having a fantabulous 2013!

Happy New Year!



  1. I always had good luck finding maternity clothes at Target. They have cute styles and are affordable (big plus). Kohl's is kind of hit or miss and you can also try Gordman's (if you have one in your area). Good luck on your shopping!

  2. I call girl for baby #3! And def try target! We have the same lego set too!!

    1. For some reason your comment didn't come to my inbox -- wonder if I've ignored you before! Sorry!!!

      I'm going to hit up the good Target in the next couple weeks to see what they have, our closest one stinks! It's cramped and they have only 2 racks of maternity clothes. Boo! Thanks for the idea!
