25 January 2013

Baby #1 Post 2

You can read Post 1 HERE to get caught up.

I woke up the next morning (Friday), went to the bathroom and saw my mucus plug in the toilet (TMI??).  Hmm, I thought.  According to what I’d read and heard (friends are so eager to share the gory details, aren’t they??) this meant labor could be starting or labor could start 2 weeks from then.  I went back to bed and asked Andy to stay home from work.  At that time he worked an hour from home and I knew I didn’t want him driving home by himself panicking that I was home and in labor.  So we laid in bed for an hour and small contractions started.  Oh boy (or girl??)!

We got up, had breakfast and took showers.  About 10:00 the contractions were starting to get closer and a little stronger.  We called my doctor and she had me come in to check me and see if she thought I should go to the hospital.  She said I was still dilated to a 1 but that she thought labor was starting and to go home and wait as long as I could to go to the hospital.  So home we went.  When we got home we decided to sit on our front porch and watch the construction workers across the street who were working on the road. To this day I still believe that is why Aiden loves construction equipment! I don’t remember if I ate lunch or not that day.

Around 1:00 I told Andy I wanted to go to the hospital.  He didn’t think it was time yet so I started pacing the floor.  At about 2:00 a contraction hit that about dropped me to my knees.  That was when Andy decided this was serious and that it was time to leave (still not sure why he was calling the shots! Ha ha!).  We grabbed our overnight bags and went out to the car.  Then Andy left me panting and in pain by the car while he went to his tool shed for what seemed like an eternity.  When he finally got back we drove the 4 minutes to the hospital and hit every bump in the road that we could find. (To this day I’m still not sure what he was doing in that shed!)

We got to the hospital and they had me change into a gown and hooked me up to the monitors.  They decided I really was in labor (duh!) and decided it was time for the IV.  All I remember about this time was practically crawling up the bed backwards from the pain, the contractions were so strong! Andy was so scared at this point, there wasn’t anything he could do to help ease the pain.  Finally, around 4:00 that afternoon, pain relief came in the form of an epidural!!!  Ahh, relief.

Andy thought we needed a “Still Pregnant” picture.  Ick.

Can you believe they fed me before I delivered???

So around 8:00 that night it was time to start pushing.  It was me, Andy, one nurse and my doctor, that was it and it was wonderful!  It was the most relaxing, calm delivery ever!  Ok, so what did/do I have to compare it to, but it really was so calm and quiet.  We had the TV on, muted, and we were watching the NASCAR race in between contractions and pushes.  The lights were turned down low, we were all chit chatting and it was just such a great experience.  At 8:46 p.m., Friday, June 30, 2006 my dear, sweet little Aiden Kinnick was born (and Dale Earnhardt Jr won the race, my favorite driver!!!)!  Out he came, my doctor turned him around and Andy said “He’s a boy!”  I said “Wow, he’s huge!”  And he was!  He was such a big boy, 9lbs, 1 oz!!!  And 21 1/4” long.  But such an easy delivery.

in warmer

We called our families right away to tell them he was born.  Andy’s folks, who live only a few blocks from the hospital, came right away.  My parent’s were already in bed (early to bed, early to rise) so they came the next morning.  It was so exciting.  This is me making the call to my parents.

We were on such a high that night!  I don’t remember getting much sleep, especially with that big HUGNRY boy needing fed every 2 hours or so!  And so it began…

More to come!



  1. So you didn't find out what you were having till he was here?!?
    I always admire people that do that, but I'm such a planner!!

  2. I can't believe they let you eat. I would've killed for a steak during labor. :) Did you all not find out the sex? I wnat to do that so bad!

  3. They let you eat?! Man, I passed out halfway through the day because I hadn't eaten anything. It sure freaked everybody out, though and they gave me jello and a popsicle.

    I think it is hilarious that you had the Indy 500 on in the background too. :)

  4. Great story and I can't believe they let you eat, usually only midwives will do that.
