05 December 2012

Tuesday Night Fun

Are you like me and watch the same Christmas shows every single year?  And if you miss one you feel like something’s not right in the world?  I don’t think I’ve missed a year of watching Charlie Brown, Frosty, Rudolph or Garfield.  I love them all and HAVE to watch them year after year.  Last night Rudolph was on so the I made some hot chocolate and the boys and I cozied up to watch.


We do the same thing with movies but are very far behind this year.  With me being so tired from baby I can’t stay awake long enough at night to watch any of them.  Sounds like this Sunday is supposed to be cold and snowy (yay!) so I think we’ll cozy up with a movie or 2. 

We’re heading to a friend’s house this morning for a play date.  Bren needs to some buddy time…and so do I.  Girl talk, please!

Here is where we found Dynamite this morning.


Don’t look at the crumbs on the table, I hadn’t washed it off after breakfast yet when I took this.  Ew!

Have a happy day!



  1. I always watch The Grinch every year no matter what. Definitely my favorite Xmas movie. Have a good one Erin!

  2. I love that little Elf is taking a nap in the napkins-- very cute!
