14 December 2012

Friday Fun Day

Good Friday all!  This has been a weird week, I’m glad it’s about over. 

Last night was Aiden’s elementary school Christmas program.  I had a bad seat and couldn’t get any good pictures so you’ll just have to imagine how it looked.  They sang 3 songs together as a class then one song with the Kindergartener's and 2nd graders.  It lasted about 30 minutes, perfect length. 

Today at school was Reindeer Day.  Here’s Aiden in his antlers on the way out the door this morning.


Last night he came in our room about 10:45 saying he couldn’t fall back asleep.  He came in our room about 3 more times before Andy told him to make a nest on our floor, which usually does the trick.  Not this time.  At 2 A.M. I finally took him back to his room and told him to shut his brain off and go to sleep!  He must have because we didn’t seem him again until 6 this morning.  Poor kid, he does not handle lack of sleep well, I have a feeling he’ll be dragging all day. 

He is riding the bus home with his best buddies tonight for one of their birthday parties.  They are going to go to the bowling alley for supper and bowling.  We’ll go pick him up at 7.  He told me that he was so excited for H’s birthday that THAT was why he couldn’t sleep.  He was trying to figure out how to get a strike.  Silly boy!  I hope tonight he (and I) get some sleep!

Another Aiden story.  They studied Hanukah last week in school.  On Monday he told me that greedy people celebrate Hanukah.  Say what?!?  I said do you mean JEWISH people celebrate Hanukah?  Yep, that’s what he meant.  OMG.  I explained to him what greedy meant and to not make that mistake again!  Sheesh, the kid mixes words up in the worst way! 

Dynamite is sitting on another shelf today, no picture.  I’m glad there’s only 10 days left of this, I’m running out of fun ideas and getting bored with it!

I forgot to tell you a couple days ago that, thanks to Hubby Jack, I have made myself a button!  It’s up under my profile so please grab it!


Have a wonderful weekend!


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