04 December 2012

Swag Swap Reveal

Hey all!  Have any of you ever done a swag swap/blog swap before?  This was my first one, hosted by Southern Girl Gets Fit.  She posted about hosting it and if anyone was interested to send her their name and answer a few questions.  She then paired us up with another blogger and sent us their info and address.  We had to spend under $30.  My partner was Karie over at Carrot Cake and Jeans.  Because this was my first go-round I wasn’t sure how big to go or really what to put in her package, so I winged it.  I received my box from her a couple days after I mailed hers out and realized I totally bombed this one!  She sent me the most amazing package with so many AWESOME gifts in it, I totally jipped her!  I feel so bad, but hopefully if I do this again I’ll know better.  Sorry, Karie!

So the box came on a day Bren was home with me.  We were both so excited to get a package delivered that we busted right into it!


Look at all the wrapped gifts!!! Bren was like “JACKPOT!”  We each took turns unwrapping gifts and here’s what was in them.  (BTW, Karie, I loved that wrapping paper!  Where did you find it?)


First, she wrote me the sweetest note, it totally made my day.  Then I just started oo-ing and ah-ing over everything!  Those socks are so me, I have about 6 pairs of ‘fun’ socks that I wear because I think they are more cheery than plain ol’ white socks, especially in the long winter.  Stickers for scrapbooking, awesome!  The bath gel smells amazing!  And these gloves!!! I put them on and instantly felt like Madonna!!!  Can you see the lace on them?  So pretty!


This book is fun to read.  It’d be a fun gift to give to a new mommy!


She sent me her homemade, home canned applesauce and salsa!!!  Both are delicious, btw!  The neat thing about this swap is meeting someone new who has similar interests to you.  I can veggies, too!  So neat to meet someone else who does that, we are so few and far between these days.


And this gorgeous ornament!  Bren hung it up right away on the tree. 


I’m saving my dark chocolate for this afternoon, no one’s here to have to share a piece with!  (I’m mean like that!)  Everything in my package was so much fun to receive, thank you so much Karie!  If you’ve never done a swap before give it a try, it’s a great way to get to know another blogger!

And I can’t leave without showing you where Dynamite landed today and telling you I’m a bad mommy and forgot to move him last night.  The boys got up this morning to look for him and I was able to usher them back to their rooms before they spotted him in the same spot as yesterday. Then I moved him.  I need to make myself a note somewhere I will see it every night so I don’t keep forgetting!


Do you see him??  You can spy his little hands to the left of the books.  It was a good hiding spot, they really had to look for him today.


Here’s another view. 

Have a fabulous Tuesday!



  1. Awww you are so sweet!! I loved your stuff you sent me also!! So don't sweat it! You did a great job!!

    Oh yeah, BTW I finally got it so you can write me back by email!! LOL!!

  2. SO fun! I, too, am a fan of fun socks. Definitely a welcome splash of color on gray winter days!

  3. YAY blog swap - so much fun. YAY!

  4. I haven't done a blog swap yet...I guess I'm afraid I will get someone in like Canada and have to pay a buttload to ship to them! lol

  5. I love Karie! You got a great partner and great stuff!!
