20 December 2012

Christmas Link Up

Hey all!  Well, the prediction of 8”+ for us didn’t hold out, womp womp womp. Totally upset.  It’s still snowing and blowing, though, so we might end up with a couple of inches. At least things will be somewhat white for Christmas.  And the boys still got a snow day from school, they are watching a movie then going to throw on their snow gear and go outside to burn off some energy.

I keep forgetting to tell you all that I have joined the world of Keek.  Look me up at eywhair81.  I’m a Keeking maniac!  Ok, not a maniac, I’m no Mel after all!  (Holla, Friend Mel!)  I have a couple of Keeks up so go check me and them out. 

I thought I’d link up with Heather and Sarah today.  I love anything about Christmas and reading about other’s traditions.  Go link up and check out what everyone else has to say!


What's your favorite holiday movie?  It’s a toss up between White Christmas with Bing Crosby and It’s A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.  Classics and they make you feel good!

Do you have any special traditions?  We watch The Polar Express in front of the fire every year with the boys.  We go Tree Hopping (you can read about that HERE).  We go to church with my family every year on Christmas Eve, then head out to my folks’ for supper and gifts.  Plus all the other Christmas Day traditions I’ll write about tomorrow.

What's your favorite ornament or decoration?  See below.  This has my birth stats on it and I’ve loved it since I was little. 


Best gift you've ever received?  The My Little Pony Barn that Santa made for me and Mrs. Claus painted.  I gave it my boys, they use it for a tractor barn now.

Worst gift you've ever received?  2 years ago I asked for a desk calculator like you see bankers use.  My in-laws instead got me a giant calculator with big buttons.  Still can’t 10key it like you can a desk calculator.  Duh.

Favorite winter accessory?  BOOTS!!! I love my boots!

Real tree or fake?  I’d love a real tree but for now we use a fake tree that I got on clearance the winter before we got married.  That baby is 11 years old!

When and how did you find out that Santa was not real?  I don’t remember but I’m terrified someone will spill the beans to my 6 year old.  I don’t allow him to be alone with my 9 yr. old niece, she’s the type to tell him.

Go check out Heather and Sarah and link up so I can see your answers!

Here’s Dynamite, he must have been cold and needed to soak in a hot bubble bath when he got back from the North Pole last night!


Have a happy day!



  1. Erin, for real I am crying. I have the EXACT same ornament with my stats when I was born. I will be instagramming it to you tonight when I get home. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!! No the EXACT same one. I HEART YOU!

  2. Thanks for linking up! I love that ornament!
