13 December 2012

Our Favorite Christmas Books

As you may know from previous posts, we are big book readers around here.  I wanted to share with you our favorite Christmas books.

This first one, The Snow Tree, is a neat book because each page has texture on it, perfect for little ones.  It’s about a bear waking up to a world of white and each animal brings a little piece of color that they put on a tree for the bear to watch over.


This one, The Nativity, is the story of Mary learning she is pregnant and her and Joseph going to Bethlehem where they have Baby Jesus.  It’s not overly religious, just some of the facts laid out in story form.  It’s an oldie, I had it when I was little.


Ahh, the Polar Express!  My favorite children’s Christmas movie!  And this book is amazing.  The pictures are awesome!  It’s a great story every kid should have.


Who Is Coming To Our House? is a neat book told from the animals’ perspective.  It’s in rhyme form, which is great for little kids (and me, I love stories that rhyme).


This book is a look and find book.  I bought it for Aiden when he was in preschool and he liked looking for all the pictures then.  Now Brennan does.  It’s great to take in the car, keeps him busy for 10-15 minutes at a time.


Ooo, this book is so neat!  The Christmas Magic is about Santa waiting for the magic time to come that is Christmas.  He gets himself and the reindeer ready for the big night.  It’s what I call a calm book, great for reading during quiet times or right before bedtime. 


Here’s a look at one of the pages inside.


Last, a classic.  The Night Before Christmas.  I love this version, the pictures are ‘old’, I love anything old.


On a different note, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Miss Meg over at ‘This Is The Story Of A Girl’.  She is super duper cute, a weight-loss survivor and her blog is a fun read so go check her out!  Here are the q’s she asked the 11 nominees and my answers.

1. What is your all-time favorite food? Pizza.  Pagliai’s Pizza, to be exact. Yum, yummo, yum. Oh crap, now I’m craving it!!!

2. If you could live anywhere where would it be? About 20 miles east and 5 miles south of here.  Seriously, there is a piece of land my folks own that is my dream to build a house on.  Otherwise, somewhere in Paradise, as long as I can just snap my fingers and be back here again to see family whenever I want to.

3. What is your dream job? Being a wedding planner.  I’d die a thousand deaths if I could be a wedding planner.

4. What is your favorite season and why? It is a toss up for me between Spring and Fall.  When each arrives I love it so much and think “oh no, THIS is my favorite season.”  But then I remember what I love about the other one and decide its like choosing which of your children is your favorite – impossible.

5. What is the top thing on your bucket list? I don’t have a bucket list.  A few things I’d like to do in my life are travel to a handful of countries and states I would love to see someday, to zip line in Hawaii or somewhere equally amazing, and to have a spa day at some amazing resort where they pamper the heck out of me! (This would be why Andy calls me high maintenance!)

6. What is your favorite workout? I don’t have a favorite, but my goal is to become a runner next summer/ fall (after the baby is born).

7. Favorite song at the moment? I can’t answer this right now because currently I hate almost everything I hear on the radio.  It’s hormones, and it better pass soon!  I can still listen to my oldies, those don’t bother me…yet, but everything else makes my skin crawl.  This is torture for me because I love to sing in the car!

8. Favorite moment of your life so far? Hard to pick just one.  So many moments with Andy pop in my head which are always my favorite moments.  I guess to narrow it down to one I’d choose when we were driving out to Colorado for our honeymoon.  We were about 10 hours into the drive, tired and getting goofy and we had this long, crazy conversation about the game ‘The Oregon Trail’.  Don’t ask, but that is one of my favorite moments in my life.

9. Biggest regret? Not going to a University (Of Iowa!) and being a cheerleader for them.

10. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would change my lack of confidence and wouldn’t worry about what others think.

11. If you could change one thing about your spouse what would it be? I would change how poor his memory is.  I can tell the man something super important and he will forget it 5 seconds later.  I am constantly repeating myself with that guy, so super duper frustrating!!! 

Thanks, Meg, for nominating me!  Great questions, some were super tough for me to answer!

I had my 12 week check up this morning.  I have been panicking that I have miscarried the baby because I am still wearing my regular clothes (with the boys I was in maternity pants at week 10) and I just feel normal.  So I get in there and the MALE dr. (yikes for me!) tries to listen to the heartbeat and can’t find it!!!  I start to panic.  He gets the ultra sound machine in there and finally finds the baby and heartbeat, all the way on my right side and up a little.  The little pumpkin found a nice warm spot over there and wasn’t moving from it!  So luckily the baby is great and I am fine and we are on our way.  One more week till my 2nd trimester!

Dynamite is just sitting on a shelf today, didn’t think you would care to see a picture.  We’ll see what shenanigans he pulls tonight.

Till tomorrow,


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