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Ladies Night // The Family Version


Last night was Ladies Night. 

My cousin, who has lived in Nashville for the last 8 months or so, is back visiting for a few months before she makes a big move out to LA.  She came up with the great idea for us Marie women (Marie is my mom’s maiden name) to get together for supper to hang out, catch up and have some fun. 

We weren’t all there, unfortunately, but the group that did attend had a great time!  Lots of laughs, some memories shared, baby bumps were rubbed – it was great!


Starting in front on the left, that’s my Great Aunt Margaret (my Gpa’s sister).  She used to be a nun, how cool is that?  And she’s one of the coolest people I know!

Behind her is my aunt Jackie, she’s married to my mom’s youngest brother.  Then my sister.  My aunt Linda Sue (there are 2 Aunt Linda’s, so we use their middle names to differentiate between them), she’s one of my mom’s sisters.  Across from her is another of my mom’s sisters, Aunt Marsha.  Then the bravest girl I know, my cousin Katelyn (she’s the one who’s moving). She is Linda Sue’s daughter.  Next is my sweet Grandma Joyce.  Then preggo #1, cousin Meliah (she’s due around Christmas).  Then my mom, and last is Trista, preggo #2 who’s due next month and married to my cousin (Katelyn’s brother, Linda Sue’s son). 

I have so many memories of each of these gals, I could write post after post after post about them all.  Aside from Trista, who married in to this awesome family, I have been around these women since the day I was born or the day they were born.  They’ve just always been there and I can’t imagine life without them in it.  They make my life better by being in it.

I have to say I have the best family in the world.  These gals are always there with a hug and support when you need it, they are always SO much fun when we get together.  I love these girls so much!

And did you notice??  No sweet, cherubic little baby boy in this picture??  That’s because my awesome husband noticed I was about to lose my marbles and sent me on my merry little way without the sweet boy in tow.  I just said yesterday how I hadn’t had any time alone without him by my side and then bam!  I went out last night without him!  And guess what!!!  HE TOOK A BOTTLE FROM ANDY WHILE I WAS GONE!!!  5 whole ounces!  Down like a champ!  Guess who’s going out with her friend without a sweet, cherubic little baby boy in tow Monday night?  I’ll give you a hint – her name rhymes with ERIN!!!

Are you lucky enough to have an amazing family like me?  Do you get together with your aunts, cousins and grandma for Ladies Night? Can you believe Tate took a bottle??

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Yay Tate!!!! Auntie E is sooo proud of you buddy!!!

    So glad you had some time away and enjoyed yourself!!

  2. Way to go Tate the Great! It was only a matter of time. I'm so glad you got to get out by yourself!

    My family has ladies night/days. We all just went to Disney in May but normally we get together for breakfast about once a month.

  3. Yay for some alone time with your family... and so great that he finally took a bottle!! You deserve these nights and your alone time... so glad you're finally getting it because we all know it's not easy for us mama's to do!

  4. AWWWW!!! He took a bottle. He knew mama needed this evening!!!! Your family reminds me so much of mine. I love my family so much! Congrats to your brave cousin! I would never have the nerve, which is why my back yard backs up to my mom's!! Haha! Happy weekend!

  5. WOOHOO for girls night! I have to say, both sides of my family are pretty awesome.
    How cool that your Great Aunt used to be a nun. My mother-in-law was once a nun too - she decided not to take her final vows, which is a good thing or Scott wouldn't be here and that would really stink.

  6. that is awesome! so sweet you have your family close enough to see them!

  7. I wish that all of my aunts and cousins lived closer. They are all in Pennsylvania and we are in Ohio. When we do get together, there is always a lot of laughter, sharing of memories and shopping! I miss them so much and cherish the time we get to spend together. I am also happy that Jeanette has two cousins, both girls, and that they will get to have the same kind of relationship!

    Yeah Tate for taking a bottle!!!! I bet having some time alone was amazing!
