I found these questions on another bloggers page, she was linking up with another blogger to help with the late summer blog swamp. I am definitely battling that so thought I’d answer the q’s myself.
What was your favorite thing you did alone this summer?
I did NOTHING alone this summer, unless you count mowing the lawn. No kidding, I was with Tate every step of the way this summer. Along with him was either Andy or the other 2 boys. I need some alone time!
What was your favorite thing you did as a family this summer?
Going to the Iowa State Fair. We had a really great time!

What books did you read this summer?
I finished ‘Call The Midwife’ by Jennifer Worth and started a book on my Kindle a week ago called ‘With Friends Like These’ by Sally Koslow. It was a cheap book I bought off of Book Bub (or maybe it was one of the free ones?). It’s ok, hard to get into a book when you can’t just sit and read it for more than 10 minutes.
What do you WISH you had done this summer?
I wish I had gone on a couple of dates with Andy, just the two of us. I wish I had read more. I wish I had taken the boys to the pool more. I wish I had found time to scrapbook. I wish I had slept for 8 hour stretches.
What movies did you see this summer (if any)?
I don’t think I watched any movies this summer. Andy and Aiden went to ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ over the weekend, Andy said they tried really hard not to make it cheesey and that it wasn’t “that bad”.
Where did you travel this summer?
We went to Chicago and had a great time.
What was your favorite treat (as in dessert) this summer?
Probably the funnel cake I had at the fair. I can’t believe I didn’t get to have any cotton candy all summer! #fail
What did you celebrate this summer?
We celebrated Aiden’s 8th birthday and the 4th of July this summer.

There were also a couple of weddings thrown in there. And tonight we are celebrating my cousin’s bravery in moving to LA all by herself (or maybe it’s celebrating her craziness??)! She’s pretty darn cool and I’m super excited for her. Last year she up and moved to Nashville on a whim, loved it and decided to give another city a try, so she’s heading to LA. She does have a friend out there at least, she didn’t know a soul in Nashville when she moved. But she’s not shy and makes friends easily. Good luck, Katelyn!
Did you grow anything this summer?
I grew veggies and flowers. My vegetable garden did pretty good, except for the onions. Those darn things! But overall I am happy with the garden this year.
What is a favorite photograph that you took this summer?

What do you want to do next summer?
I don’t even want to think about next summer yet! This one’s taken it all out of me. I need the comfort of Fall and everything that come with it, hopefully I can recoup and be a bit more energetic then.
Happy Thursday!