08 August 2016

Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday, all!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was full, not too busy but we were 'doing and going' most of the time.

Saturday morning we moved my Grandma to town.  I thought the day was going to be very emotional for me, I hate change and Grandma should never live anywhere but in her house where she's lived the past 60 years.  But the move went very smooth, it was busy and I didn't have time to think too much.  I'm excited for Grandma to start this new chapter and she is excited, too, which is all that matters.  She sifted through 60 years of accumulation over the past couple months and whittled it down to what she needed and wanted in her apartment.  Some things stay in the old house which sits on a Heritage Farm (you can read about what that is HERE), some things she had her kids and us grandkids go through.  Everything else we loaded up into a couple trucks and a trailer and headed for town.

The move went so quick and smooth which is what you get when we have 6 kids, their spouses and a handful of adult grandkids helping! :)  We started at 8:00 at Grandma's house and by 11:00 we were all sitting around talking in her new apartment.  She didn't want us unloading boxes - she had moved all of her kitchen in earlier in the week with help so the remaining boxes just held personal stuff.  We made her bed, hung her new shower curtain and arranged her furniture.  We all ate lunch that Grandma had for us then left her to her new place.  I talked to her Sunday morning, she said she slept great in her new place and had worked on unloading a few boxes already.

For us the rest of Saturday afternoon included naps for the babies, laundry and a few odds and ends around the house.  That evening we went to the big city for supper and a quick Menards trip.  When we got home we planted the butterfly bush I got at Menards in our new flower bed.

Which brings me to Sunday.  We headed out to Grandma's farm and dug up a bunch of flowers for our new flower bed.  A couple quick errands in town before heading out to my parent's farm for more flowers.  We got home just in time for lunch.  We put the babies down for their naps and headed outside to plant the truck load of flowers we had.  I wish I would have taken a picture of the back of the truck, it was completely full of flowers!

It took us a good 2 hours to get everything placed and planted but after it was all done it looked so... well, lets just say everything was mad at me for transplanting it and it's going to take a little time to look pretty like it should.  :)  We watered everything in just as Tate was waking up from his nap.  We will get mulch soon and I want to plant some spring bulbs this fall, then the bed will be complete!

After that the coolest thing happened - the butterflies came!  There was one large butterfly in particular that caught my eye - it was sitting on the ground sunning itself, absolutely beautiful!  I ran back to the house to grab my camera and when I got back it was still there!


My grandma had some garden decorations sprinkled throughout her flower beds, this one caught our eye.  I couldn't help but snag it to put in my 'Grandma Marie Bed'!  Of course I had to see if Tate would kiss the frog since it's lips are all puckered and ready for one - cutest picture!

The rest of the evening included folding laundry, going on a golf cart ride around town, watching the Olympics and eating chili that I made for the first NFL football game of the season that ended up being cancelled because of some weird paint they used.  ???  The chili was good. :)

Anyone else watching the Olympics? Which event are you most looking forward to seeing?  Have a great week!


  1. Oh yay - your Grandma got moved and it sounds like it all went so smoothly - perhaps it was just meant to be! And the flowers - you got it done girl! The butterflies are a sign that all is well. Love that pick of Tate!

  2. I love flower beds but it means the most when you know where those flowers come from. Anyone could go to the store and buy flowers but not everyone can get them from the places where the best memories are made. I have a plant that my mom use to call a "never die". Before my parents divorce, I was already living in my first house, my mom dug some up and gave them to me. When I sold my house I dug them back up and replanted them at Tim's house, with the hopes of marriage one day. Now they are still at Tim's and they are huge. I also have some of my grandma's hen's and chicks and they too are another prize possession of mine. I can't wait to see your garden in bloom.

  3. That picture of Tate! Priceless!
    Glad to hear your Grandma got all moved! I hope she likes where she's at!

  4. That picture of Tate!!!! AHHH!!! How stinkin cute!

    I hope your grandma is settling in nicely and things are going well. It's hard. We did that with my grandma. I understand.

  5. Oh my gosh, SO COOL that the butterflies came like they did! That big blue-ish one is gorgeous!! Every time I see a butterfly I think it's my grandma's way of saying, "Hi!" from Heaven. :)
    Give me ALLLLL the Olympics. The swimming is my favorite though. The way they make something so difficult look like barely any effort blows my mind!
