04 August 2016

Life Lately

Hey everyone!  This week is slowly trucking right along, here's what we've been up to!

This sweet little lady was excited I was trying to have a quick mini photo shoot with her the other day. Look at this big smile!

The big boys had their annual checkups this week.  Both are healthy as a horse and doing great.  Brennan was in the 35th % for weight and 50th % for height.  Aiden was 50th % for weight, 90th % for height.  They couldn't get their noses out of their tablets long enough for me to snap a picture.
#boymom #damnelectronics

Tawnley Louise!  Yea, I misspelled her name - Tate used to pronounce her name that way and of course we grabbed that and ran with it.  So now you'll hear Andy and me calling her Tawnley Louise.  She found a book and sat right in the middle of her toys reading it.

Our Summer friends have arrived!!!  That means I won't see much of my boys for the next week or so because they'll be outside playing with Carly and Corbin.  These two sweethearts come to visit their grandparents who live across the street from us 3 months out of the year - the rest of the year they live in Texas, where Carly and Corbin live.  We always laugh because when its 90 degrees here they think it's a cool down compare to the heat in the 100's down south.  Meanwhile I'm dying of heat stroke! :)

I told you all I was starting 21 Day Fix but have postponed it for a couple weeks - we are going to the State Fair and I don't want to sabotage my results by eating my Hot Beef Sundae and everything else fried and/or on a stick.  Give me a couple weeks.  :)

That's life lately around here!


  1. I am excited to eat everything at our state fair too... I have never been so this should be fun, 3 boys, a crabby husband and me {wanting all the food}.

  2. Look at Lou in her cute little headbands!! When do we get to see pics from her little photo shoot?
    I heard the heat index in KC was 108° today. Meanwhile, I thought it was blistering here... At a mere 87°... LOL!

  3. I'm always jealous of your hot beef sundae when I see pics... enjoy it!! :)

  4. Aww, how fun to see summer friends! And that hot beef . . . I can't even!

    Okay - I'm all caught up! Seriously, please don't feel like you have to respond to each comment - it could take you days! But I wanted to comment on each post as I enjoyed them! You're on the end of summer countdown! And I'll be joining you in the healthy lifestyle because I feel gross! Gah!! Well, Happy Sunday my friend!
