03 August 2016

So What Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

This week, SO WHAT IF...

* I haven't watched any episodes of the Bachelorette 'live' and have to watch them all the following day.  The same thing happened last night with Bachelor in Paradise.

* I am beyond super excited to watch Bachelor in Paradise this season!  It looks like it's going to be hilarious!

* I am so ready for the boys to go back to school.  The bickering, the riling up Tate, the constant extra noise - I'm so over it.  I feel terrible being 'that mom' but PLEASE let these last 3 weeks go fast!  3 weeks from today, I can make it, I can make it, I can make it...

* We're going to be the shit show at the doctor's office this morning. The big boys have their annual check up/physicals this morning and I failed to find somewhere for the Sweet T's to go.  Please send prayers (and lots of Mt Dew afterwards)! :)

* I've decided to hold off on the 21 Day Fix for a couple more weeks - next week we are going to THEE Iowa State Fair and there is no way I'm going to miss out on the amazing food there.  Can you say "Hot Beef Sundae"?

* I got lazy and didn't take the boys back to school shopping in the big city and just took them to WalMart in our hometown for their actual school supplies.  Sometime in the next few weeks we have to get to the big city for new shoes but the thought of shoe shopping with all 4 of them by myself? Ugh, I know exactly how that will go and I just don't want to do it.  Maybe I'll take the two big boys alone some night after Andy gets home from work.

Have a great Wednesday!   


  1. I watch all the Bach shows the next day. I started to watch BIP live, last night, but HATED that I couldn't fast forward through the commercials. So, I stopped watching just so I could watch today and skip the ads. HA!
    GAH!! The ISF!!! Every year I don't go is another year I miss it so. It's honestly the best. I cannot wait to live vicariously through you when you go.

  2. We are going to THE Illinois State Fair the weekend of the 21st because Carter's project qualified in photography. I am super excited for the food because hello... FOOD! We are finished school shopping. Oliver is soooo excited to have his preschool backpack. It is the cutest dinosaur. Carter's tastes are getting simpler and his supplies easier to shop for. I am t-2 weeks until the first day of school.

  3. Fair food - I love it! It's such a guilty pleasure . . . if only I ate healthy the rest of the time! Ha! Wal-Mart is perfect for back to school supplies . . . don't feel bad!!! And a big boy shoe trip sounds fun . . . leave the T's with family and enjoy yourself!

  4. I always watch all Bach shows later. I can't take all the commercials and all the extras.
