17 August 2016

Tenley Louise || 9 Months Old

Here we are, Loulie Girl, another monthly update.  And this time it's for month 9 - that's 3/4 of a year! It's amazing how much you have changed in those 9 months.  You went from a little puddle of dough to a wild, energetic, always on the go pink petunia princess!

You have added a couple of new tricks to your bag this month.  You learned how to wave!  It almost sounds like you say 'hiieeee' when you do it, such a big girl! The above picture is you waving at the camera - both hands get moving but it's your right hand and arm that do the biggest waving. :)  You love blowing raspberries.  This is something you did a few months ago while eating but now you just do it for fun.  You are pretty much guaranteed a new shirt after a good raspberry blowing session because you drool so much while doing it!

Your 'big girl' new trick is two fold.  First, you decided it was a good idea to start letting go of things while standing up!  At first it was just letting go as you were lowering yourself to the floor but out of nowhere you just let go and stood for a solid 12 seconds!  Good balance, Lou!  And then, on the 15th (the day you turned 9 months old) you went buzzing by, walking while pushing Tate's bike!  I was completely shocked!!!  Daddy and I decided to see how you would do with the walker and you loved it!  That big smile, you were so proud of yourself!

Tenley Louise, you cannot be tamed!  You are a bundle of energy and you go-go-go constantly!  Trying to hold you still in church leaves me feeling like I just ran a marathon!  Same goes for any place I try holding you.  You are quite nosey, you lunge yourself over my shoulder to see who is behind me and what they are doing.  You still flash your amazing gummy smile to any and all - no strangers in your world, they are all friends!

Speaking of gummy smiles, you still have yours!  No teeth yet!  The only symptom of teething you have is the constant drooling.

You are a happy happy little girl!  You adore your big brothers but man do you let Tate know when he's ticked you off!  For some reason he thinks it's fun to grab your foot and hold it when you go crawling by.  At first you giggle but then when he holds on for too long -- watch out!  You shriek and then cry your sweet little girlie cry that melts my heart and makes me giggle at the same time!  You always want to play with whatever Tate has, and that in turn makes him mad.  You are content sitting in the middle of a pile of toys taking one out of the basket at time, looking it over and then setting it aside to go in for yet another.  Your favorite toy has been and still is the pink vanity table Grandma Jeannie and Papa gave you for Christmas last year.  When I helped you open that toy I squealed in delight!  And now you absolutely love playing with it!  When you 'wake it up' it lights up and says "Hey cutie!" and you just grin at it!  You smile at anyone if they tell you you are pretty. :)

Sometimes you disappear and I find you back in either your room or Tate's.  It used to be the bathroom or my bedroom until I got wise to that and started shutting the doors. Tate likes playing with you in his room.  He sets up the Imaginext castles and the two of you play quietly for some time.  It makes this momma's heart happy to see you two playing so contentedly together.

You are an excellent sleeper and napper.  You nap every day at 9, again at 1 and to bed at 8 every night.  Naps last 1 1/2 to 3 hours and you sleep until about 7 every morning.  You hate to get off your nap schedule so we try to make sure to be home or heading out in the car at those times.  You sleep great in the car, by the way. And if you fall asleep on the way home I can get you out of the car and lay you down in your bed and you will fall back asleep  no problem.  You are an easy baby still, Loutalou!

You are a very good eater and in the last week or so we have started adding in real table food. So far just green beans, cooked carrots and tiny bits of bread.  You do great feeding yourself!  You also love Puffs!  You eat one container of food at each meal but have needed a second container on occasion.  You take 4 oz. bottles with meals, 6 oz. bottles in between.

I love getting you from your naps because you are always so darn happy to see me!  And when Daddy comes home every day you squeal with delight!

Something very exciting happened this month - you were chosen to be a brand enthusiasts for a cute little Etsy shop called Sparkled With Love!  We have bought quite a few bows from this shop so I was very excited that you were chosen!  There isn't a day that goes by that you don't wear a bow, my little muffin, so being chosen a brand enthusiast was super exciting!!!  I should take more pictures of you without a bow on because I think you look very different without one.  And very cute, I might add! :)

I started planning your first birthday party months ago (ha!) and have 100% settled on your theme finally.  I won't give too much away but think soft pink, gold and crowns! :)  I'm so excited to celebrate you little lady but that big birthday can wait as long as it likes because I'm not ready to say goodbye to your babyhood (although I think you are ready to kick it to the curb).

Here are your stats for the month:
Weight 18lbs 9oz., 57%
Height 29", 92% (you had a growth spurt in this department, Lou!)
Diapers Size 2 Pampers
Clothes 6-9 months but I am sprinkling in some 12 month summer outfits I bought for you last summer so they get some use.  Most you need a little more squish to fill out but they work for days at home.  I couldn't NOT put you in them, little girl, because they are so sweet and were bought for you while you were still growing in my tummy - they are special to me!

Mwah!  I love you, love you, love you Loulie Lou!  You are the answer to my prayers, my dream come true!  Our first girls only trip to the craft store was everything I'd hoped it would be and more!  I can't wait to do all the other little things I've always wanted to do with my own little girl.  You continue to amaze me and make me happy every day.  Happy 9 months, Baby Girl!


  1. WHOA she is tiny, or I just have big babies. E is 10 months today, weighs 24 lbs, wears 12-18 month clothes (although a cloth diaper plays a big part of that), and in a size 4 pamper. Happy 9 Months, Pretty Girl!

    I love watching siblings play together, nicely. It just melts my heart.

  2. I just love her little bald-ish head!! I feel like I can smell the baby through this computer screen!! Congrats on the bow brand love!

  3. She is just the cutest little thing ever! I CANNOT believe she's 9 months already. Every time you post one of these I think to myself "didn't she just have Tate?" These babies need to slow down!

  4. Please stop time . . . Little Miss Tenley is getting to be such a big girl. She has three big brothers so it doesn't surprise me that she is ready to walk and chase behind them . . . a girl has to keep up! I just love that gummy grin and sweet little face!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, NINE?! I just can't believe it.
    Tenley and Julia sound so much alike! From being in big brother's toys to being good eaters. Maybe someday we can get the little ladies together??
    WOOHOO for becoming a bow brand rep! That is so exciting!
