19 October 2015

Weekend Rewind

Gosh, October sure is flying by, am I right?  And why wouldn't it? We have been busy busy! The next 2 weeks are even busier, I just hope we survive the madness!

As busy as we have been, this weekend was pretty lame for me.  Andy was gone all day Saturday hunting (and not getting a deer) and I was here with the boys too tired and worn out to do much of anything.  I sat here all day thinking "I'm such a loser."  I should have made some plans for the boys and me.  Here's a quick recap of what we did actually do this weekend.

  • Friday night we went for a drive to spot some deer.  We saw a total of 1, and he was running like a striped a## ape directly at our truck out of someone's yard.  I saw him out of the corner of my eye, thinking it was a big dog, then when I turned to look -- "WATCH OUT!!!"  Andy hit the brakes and we barely missed hitting the idiot.  Sheesh.
  • Saturday morning the boys and I ran over to the local Amish community to get some delicious doughnuts for breakfast.  We were gone a total of an hour, thus starting my lame day.  (But the doughnuts sure were good!)
  • HAWKS WON!!  We are 7-0, and it feels so good!
  • Sunday morning I took the 3 boys to church, by myself.  It was children's Mass and Bren's 1st grade was hosting, otherwise we'd have skipped it.  Luckily for me Tate was on his best, calmest behavior.
  • Andy, still deerless, came home for lunch.  We ran to town so I could go check out some clothes an acquaintance was selling.  Got 10 outfits, size 12 mo, for $10.  Score!! She tried selling them to me for only $7, nuts!!  She's going to let me know when her little gal grows out of the next size.  
  • Aiden went to his 4-H clubs bonfire and hayrack ride in the late afternoon, Andy left to go hunt again, and Tate, Brennan and I hung out at home, again.  
That was my lame weekend.  No pictures necessary for that. :)  I did get the baby's car seat out and cleaned up.  It was covered in a nice, thick layer of dust from the basement remodel - ick.  Glad that's all ready to go.  This week I'll pack her bag for the hospital, then she'll be all set to arrive.  I won't be all set, but she will be!

Coming up this week: flu shots for the boys and Andy (I had mine at my last baby appointment). Dentist appointments for the boys and me.  And finally, FINALLY, the 5k Glow Run I've been heading up planning is FINALLY here.  I am so ready for this event to be over, thinking about it all the time is messing with my head!  I am hoping for a successful, fun evening that raises some money for our trail head project.  And no rain, please no rain!!  It's been 3 weeks since we've had any rain here, and we are DRY and need it! But not that night. And guess when we are forecasted to finally get some -- SATURDAY!!!  Argh!!!!  Rain or shine, we are having the run, so I guess I'll pack some dry clothes to change in to after all the runners get back in ... if any show up. :)  We have over 85 registered, which I'm super excited about, so hopefully they come and have some fun.  I'm sure I'll have a recap of the run up for you next week.

Have a great week!

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  1. Sounds about like my weekend. Sometimes we just need those kinds of weekends!

  2. I know deer on the roads is a pain, but I miss seeing them around! My parents live just outside of town, and there were always deer in their yard and along the roads (thanks to the corn and bean fields, not to mention timber). But, the last time I've seen a deer was probably the last time I was home. Sad.
    The Hawks are having a great season! Can't wait to see what Bowl they'll be headed to.
    Wishing you the best forecast for this weekend, and I can't wait to hear how the run turns out for you!

  3. My kids are getting their flu shots this week too. Fall break starts on Thursday so we're starting it off with flu shots! :oP
    I'm sure the race will be a huge success!
