01 October 2015

Baby Girl - Week 32

First, I have to post this:

The 'welcoming of' October also means that NEXT MONTH we'll be welcoming our baby girl!

How far along: 32w5d

Total weight gain: 18lbs

Maternity clothes: We've been having Fall weather again and that means Fall clothes - yes!  Jeans, 3/4 sleeve shirts, layering - I love it!  I am so over the clothes I've been wearing since April!

Sleep: Still doing good in this department.  Every morning when I wake up and realize I didn't wake up the entire night I just smile... and then I panic a little because that's how it was with Aiden and he didn't sleep through the night for 8 months.  Am I going to be paying for all of this sleep in a couple of months?

Best moment of this week: I had my check up Monday, everything is looking great.  I laid out all of my worries and concerns to my doctor and she gave me a ton of peace and reassurance.  Going the full 40 is absolutely the best thing for baby, however we are more than likely going to be inducing at 39 weeks because of my worries and the possibility that the Princess will be a big baby.  I know where to go if labor starts before the 36 week mark (our hospital is small enough that they don't deliver babies here before they are exactly 36 weeks gestation).  I knew my ankle hurting was from the relaxing hormone my body produces to make my ligaments stretch for labor (which is also why some women's foot size changes during pregnancy), but it was good to have her tell me that yes, she thinks that's what it is, too.  Baby's head was down, although we have a couple more weeks until that is super important, but that was another worry of mine -- Baby would be small enough to have vaginally but would be breach and we'd have to end up having a c-section after all.  Fingers crossed she stays down there!  It was a great appointment, I left feeling lighter and happier, and that's always a good thing!

Miss anything: I miss my lap somedays, especially as of late when Tate's been extra needy.  It's hard to snuggle him in close with my big ol' bump in the way.  I do love this bump, though. :)

Movement: The Princess is still very active in the evenings and first thing in the morning.  Daytime it's here and there, if I lay down she'll get active.  This morning in bed she had the hiccups. :)  She likes to kick her brother Tate in the back when he's sitting on my lap, I think she's trying to say 'hi'. 

Have you started to show yet:  At my appointment 2 weeks ago I was measuring 4 weeks over. This week I was closer to normal, although she didn't tell me exactly what the number was.  I feel smaller than with my other pregnancies, but I remember saying that with Tate, too, and he was my biggest (10lb 7oz).  Time will tell!

Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!    

Labor signs: I've had some stronger Braxton Hicks contractions over the last week, which I love.  It'd be great for those babies to start coming more often and stronger.

Happy or moody most of the time:  It's been a crazy week, lots of sickies at our house, but I've been pretty happy throughout.  

Looking forward to: Finishing out the next 6 weeks strong.  October is a busy month, most of our weekends are filled up, so the time will go fast.  I still have quite a bit to do to prepare for Baby Girl's arrival but luckily I've had some extra energy spurts so I've gotten some nesting done.  

Symptoms/Side effects:  Just the normal stuff - hormones, heartburn, using the bathroom way more often than a person should ever have to... :)

Name:  I think we have a name!!!  It's Andy's 'made up' name.  We've been calling her this name when it's just me and Andy around and it seems to be sticking.  I like it right now, hopefully after she's born I'll love it.  And I hope she loves it, too.  

Happy October!

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  1. Can't believe you're only a couple months away!!

  2. Can't wait to hear the name! And that's awesome that you're getting good sleep!

  3. You're getting closer!
    So glad to hear your doctor was able to answer your questions and give you peace of mind.
    I loved when Julia would kick and nudge Marcus if he was siting on my lap.
    Can't wait to find out her name!!

  4. Yay only 6 weeks left. I can't believe how fast it has gone. The baby moving is the only thing I enjoy. I am starting to get BH's about once every 2 hours, every day this week. I can't wait to hear what this "made-up" name is.

  5. 18lbs! I'm jealous!
    I can't wait to hear the name :)
