05 October 2015

Weekend Rewind

Another busy weekend around here.

Friday afternoon Andy left with his buddies to go to Wisconsin for the Iowa game.  They go to one away game every year, this was Andy's 10th year to go.  I'm glad he gets time away with his friends to just be him, not Dad or husband.  The boys and I picked up a pizza for supper and hung out at home. Saturday morning we woke up and ran to get donuts for breakfast.  I try to do some fun things like that with the boys when Andy's gone, otherwise we get bored here at home.

We watched the Iowa game on TV and had a great time cheering on our Hawks. They pulled out a win, 10-6. It sounds like a boring game with that score but really it was pretty exciting!  Tate was dressed to cheer on his favorite team!

We continued watching football on TV and Andy got home from the game about 7:30 that night.  It was great that the boys got to spend a little time with him before bed, they always miss him like crazy when he's gone (and so do I!).

Sunday morning we headed to church, took the boys to religion class, then headed to a nearby town to watch the firefighters do a controlled burn on an old house.  We were about a block away watching, it was pretty intense!  We could even feel the heat from the fire that far away!  I don't know how the firemen were able to stand so close to that burning house.

We left the burn to get the boys from religion, then came home to do a few chores around the house before leaving for the afternoon.  One of the chores was to clean out the diaper bag. Friday night, on our way to pick up the pizza, Tate got the lid off his sippy cup.  All I could hear was a splash - I thought he'd thrown up all over!  I pulled the car over to see he'd dumped almost all of the milk out.  I thought at the time it'd gone in his diaper bag, my purse and on the floor but it turns out it just went in his diaper bag.  I completely forgot about it until Sunday morning when we grabbed the bag and took it to church.  You can imagine the awful sour milk smell coming out of that bag!  So, we started emptying it out and holy smokes, the stench!!  I grabbed the changing pad out of it that my mom had made and there was soggy, expanded granola stuck to it.  It looked like chunky vomit!  I about lost all of my breakfast right then and there, ick!  Andy grabbed it and ran it to the washing machine where I washed that, and only that, with a full lid of detergent, some Oxi Clean and a little bleach.  I wanted that thing clean, ha ha!!!  Andy got all of the tractors out of it and said the heck with it, and pitched the entire bag!  So much for that one!  So I bought a new diaper bag. This is the 4th diaper we've had!  One for each kid, I guess.  Goodness. :)

After  my trip to the store for the diaper bag we went to my folks' farm to see their new baby lambs. They usually do their lambing in March but they bought some new ewes and they were pregnant when they got them, thus the October lambies.  Tate liked them.

They also got some new chickens!  Look at how cool these gals are!  Aiden found an egg while we were checking them out, they must be happy ladies!

After that we went to my nephew's football game, then to their house to celebrate his 11th birthday. We got him a new fishing pole and he was so excited!  The kids all had a great time playing together, as always, then it was time to head home.  I love living in small towns, the football fields are right next to corn fields! Can you see the combine and tractors in the distance?

A fun, busy weekend - wouldn't know what to do with a lazy one anymore!

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  1. You had a busy weekend. I would love a lazy weekend... I am hoping, if no baby, this weekend is my lazy weekend while Tim enjoys my brothers bachelor party. How have you been feeling?

  2. You were really busy! Glad you had a nice weekend. Those lambs are SO cute!
