28 October 2015


A few gals hosted a Fall Swag Swap and I couldn't resist signing up!  I love those things!

I got matched up with Jen from Sweet Little Loving's, and oh my, was she awesome!  She was super friendly, chatty in emails which I love, and she sent me the most wonderful package of goodies!!!  Here's my big 'reveal'.

I opened the box to find a pretty note on top - the best way to start!

Then I took the tissue off the top and found all of these lovely wrapped packages!

Check out my loot!  I love all of it!  First off, Reeses Pumpkins and Classic Dentyne - awesome!  I hid my Reeses in the mixing bowl in the cupboard so the boys wouldn't find them, ha!  Washi tape, can't wait to use it!  I immediately hung the car freshner in my car and my little helper (who's hand you can see grabbing a package of wax melts) wouldn't leave those melts alone! He sniffed and sniffed those, ha ha!  It is the perfect Fall scent - nice and spicey!  Do you see Baby's pink bow?? Eee, can't wait to see her in it!  The 'Live Laugh Love' sign is a magnet, which looks super cute up on my fridge. And last, I opened the 'Give Thanks' pumpkin and set it up on my shelves where it looks super Fall-y and perfect for November!

Thanks so much, Jen!  I had a great time getting to know you and picking out your goodies!  You guys can find what I sent Jen over on her sweet blog, Sweet Little Loving's.

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  1. Love all your goodies! Thanks for joining in this swap with us =)

  2. So glad you love everything! I hope the boys left your pumpkins alone! :oP

  3. What a fun haul!! Classic Dentyne?! Where does one even find that anymore? Awesome. And Baby Girl's bow is amazing!

  4. New follower here! Love everything you got from Jennifer! You must be ecstatic to be finally having a girl! How exciting, looking forward to following along!

  5. Love the goodies and that bow <3
    I participated in a Christmas Ornament swap once and never got mine but I sent more then one to my girl. I was disappointed with it and vowed to never do one again. Maybe I should try one more time... we will see.
