15 September 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday - Dinner Party

Happy Tuesday!  It's been awhile since I've linked up with Momfessionals for Andrea's 'Show and Tell Tuesday' series so thought it was high time I did!

This week's topic is "Tell us who's coming to dinner (the 5 people you'd invite to your house)".  Join in on the fun!

There are so many ways you can go with this topic - 5 people who are dead, 5 people who are famous, 5 family members, 5 friends, 5, 5, 5.  Do you want to laugh all night, or do you want to take a trip back in history and learn what life was like from the mouths of those who lived it?  Are you wanting it to be a serious night or do you want the night to end with you dancing on the table?  I decided to go the fun route with 5 people who are famous and living.

First up, you need someone funny to help keep the ball rolling when there might be a lull in the conversation.  There are so many comedians out there to fit this bill but one of my most favorite comedians is Conan O'Brien.  Plus he's adorably cute, then he makes you laugh and you think he's almost sexy - ha!

Next up, I have to have Josh Groban over!  I seriously love this guy - he's smart - very smart, he's adorable, he has a fun sense of humor and he can serenade us before, during and after each course!  I just smile when he starts singing!  Love you, Josh!!!

Lets add some female perspective in on this meal conversation.  Let's go with Amy Schumer.  I mean, come on, that girl is funny!  And brash and sassy and pretty and I bet she can drink any guy under the table!  Oh man, the fun we'd have!!!  Oh, and I love her hair so maybe she could help a girl out with some tips!

Someone who could totally hold their own with group would be Lily Tomlin!  Love her!  Plus she has to have some of the greatest stories to tell!  I bet she'd hold us all captive with those stories. Yes, she's a definite on this guest list!

And finally, someone to tone things down just a bit. Someone who isn't flashy, but has confidence, who doesn't mind sitting back enjoying things but doesn't have to be the center of attention but grabs the attention by making a single, simple comment.  Kirk Ferentz, the Iowa Hawkeye football coach.  Or, as I lovingly call him, Kirkey (it rhymes with Herkey, our mascot!).  He would fit in great to be the calmer of the situation, plus I bet he'd interject some amazing comment or anecdote at the perfect moment to crack all of these funny people up and leave them loving him, too.  Yes, perfect!

In case someone can't make it here are a couple of fill in's : Jon Hamm and John Slattery.  The only problem with them is I'd sit there drooling all night because they are so dang HOT and SEXY, then I'd forget to pull something out of the oven, it'd get burnt, I'd have a mess or a fire and the whole night would be shot.  Darn, maybe not them...

Andy and I are going to have so much fun hosting this dinner party!  Now, what to cook... :)

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  1. I want to do this blog post but I don't even know where to begin!

  2. This is such a fun post, I might have to borrow it!!
    I'm loving your list - even the last one. :) Such a good mix of people!
