02 September 2015

Baby Girl - Week 28

How far along: 28w4d

Total weight gain: 16lbs - I didn't gain any in the 2 weeks since my last appointment, bonus!

Sleep: Really good!  I'm amazed how well I'm sleeping this time, it's like how I slept with my first pregnancy.  Does this mean Baby Girl will sleep like Aiden did? Which means he was up every 2 hours, around the clock, for the first 4 months.  Send caffeine if that's the case!!!

Best moment of this week: Going to my appointment yesterday.  I love hearing her little, but strong, heartbeat.  Right in the 150's still.  She's been very consistent as far as that's concerned.  While there they gave me a TDaP booster (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis/whooping cough).  They have started recommending these shots to all pregnant women after 27 weeks gestation.  Didn't even feel the poke!  I also did a second 1 hour glucose test.  I had to do one at 22 weeks because of my past history of having Gestational Diabetes.  That one I squeaked by, just under the 140 benchmark (I was at 137).  I'm sure I have it again, and so is the dr. I saw yesterday.  I am measuring at 31 weeks already, yikes!  I honestly don't feel that big!  But we discussed how I will be having a bigger baby again and that we'll likely induce right at 39 weeks, before if medically necessary.  So in about 10 shorts week I'll be meeting our little princess!

Miss anything: Sugar.  Because of the major chance I'll have GD I am back on a low carb/low sugar diet.  It starts today and I already know I miss sugar.  Totally worth giving that up for a healthy little lady, though.

Movement: YES!  She goes on these marathon wiggling and rolling sessions that last 5 minutes or so at a time.  She's still very quiet during the day but very active from about 8:00 in the evenings until I go to sleep. Who knows what she does while I'm asleep!  And then first thing in the morning she's bouncing around quite a bit - kind of a 'good morning, Mommy!' thing! :)

Food cravings: Nope, none.  That will change now that I am limiting my sugar intake, though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I brush my teeth too long the feeling of the toothpaste bubbles in my mouth makes me gag.  I haven't made it to the 2 minute mark in about a month, ha ha!

Have you started to show yet:  2 times this week I've had people tell me I don't look as far along as I am.  I told one of them it was because my chest was so big, it helped camouflage how big I really am. And I totally believe that! The girls are ha-UGE! Dang, girl!

Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!    

Labor signs: No.  I love Braxton Hicks, where are they??

Happy or moody most of the time:  Last week was an emotional roller coaster for me.  I cried about EVERYTHING!  So far this week I've been much better, happier, HAPPY.  Thank goodness I get a break from the crazy - or should I say, thank goodness Andy gets a break from the crazy? That guy is a saint!

Looking forward to: Finding out my glucose test results so I can move forward and make changes.  

I really can't believe we are talking about only having 10 weeks left of this pregnancy.  As slow as the first half went, this second half is going so fast!  I have said before and I'll say it again - I love being pregnant!  Yea, there are a lot of not so fun things but those pale in comparison to all the neat things about it - the baby moving in there, having a nice round belly to rub, the knowledge that you are growing a little miracle in there...  Can you believe in 10 weeks time I'll finally be holding our little princess in my arms instead of my belly?!?  Time to start working on her room, eek!

Just for fun I thought I'd share the link to my 28 week bumpdate from my pregnancy with Tate.  You can find that HERE.

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  1. Sweet baby girl! SO EXCITING!!
    You love braxton hicks?! Ha ha!! They are sooooo much more intense for me this time around so I'm kind of over them!

  2. EEK! But where's the bump pic?!?!!? :)

  3. 10 weeks- WHAT?!?!?! Your pregnancy is flying as fast as mine. I too have been an emotional roller coaster this week. You should have seen me yesterday in Wal-Mart. First I never shop there and the only reason I did was because my husband won't let me drive the 30 min (in the opposite direction of home) to shop at Aldi and WM is on the way home. Well lets just say I had a break down and I am thankful for the sweet ol' lady and electronics cashier that was so kind and helpful. I have never been like that with the other two pregnancies BUT yesterday took the cake.

  4. Ten weeks - that's going to FLY!!!
    I sure do hope the little miss is a good sleeper.
    As much as I don't miss being pregnant I really do miss all those kicks and wiggles and jiggles.
    Sending prayer your GD test comes back negative.

  5. The weeks are flying by! It seems like just yesterday I was reading the 27 week update.
    I was hoping for a picture of you though ;) I bet you're glowing and adorable!

  6. I have to agree with the others, I wanna see a picture of you!!!

    I hope you GD test comes back good!
