16 September 2015

Baby Girl - Week 30

How far along: 30w4d

Total weight gain: 17lbs

Sleep: Between the stomach virus and the cold virus I didn't get much sleep over the past week. But the last 2 nights have been good, sleeping all night through.

Best moment of this week: Seeing our sweet little girl on the ultrasound!  At first she was pretty relaxed, then she got into things and started moving around and showing off.  We were able to see her 'drinking' the fluid, her mouth was open and her tongue was moving quite a bit!  She measured in around the 48th percentile, which is unheard of for our big boys!  She was somewhere around 3 1/2 lbs, so Andy did some quick calculations and if the 1/2 lb per week thing holds out she might be born our smallest baby yet!  What will we do with an 8lb-er?? :)  Towards the end of the US she was rolling a little bit and moved her hands up by her face and head. She was opening and shutting her hand!  It was incredible to see!  Oh, and the placenta looked great after our fall so no worries there.  Should probably mention that, ha!  We invited my mom to go along with us, I think she really enjoyed and appreciated that.  

Another 'Best Moment': I really enjoyed being monitored Sunday night, even though it was for a scary reason!  It was nice and calm in the room, Andy and I were laughing and talking and watching football - almost like a date!  It was a fun preview of what's to come on delivery day in 9 short weeks!

Miss anything: Snuggling in close to Andy.

Movement: Of course!  She is most active in the evenings when I'm laying on the couch or in bed.  She seems to be head down because I feel her kick more up top.

Food cravings: The other day out of nowhere a steak sandwich from Subway sounded good, so Andy brought it home for lunch before our appointment.  Not sure I'd classify it as a craving, necessarily, but it did really sound good!  Tasted good, too!

Have you started to show yet:  

Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!  We had my cousin (the tech) re-verify that, just needed to be sure nothing had grown down there. :)   

Labor signs: I've had some Braxton Hicks contractions, nothing major.

Happy or moody most of the time:  This was one of those weird weeks where I was sick or scared most of the time so I can't say I was super happy but miraculously I wasn't crying my eyes out, either!

Looking forward to: Painting the princess's room.  I'm about to get started on that.  We have a busy Saturday but I'm hoping maybe Sunday I can get a good start on it.  That's my plan, not sure what Andy's is, though. Ha ha!

Symptoms/Side effects:  Heartburn.  I've been on a prescription for Zantac for 6 weeks but come about 4:00 every afternoon it's not cutting the mustard.  I take it twice a day so am starting to take the second dose around 3:00 in the afternoon instead of waiting for supper to get ahead of that burn.  I can't wait to see the head of hair on this little dolly!  We could see a little bit growing towards the nape of her neck, nothing as major as I expected with all this heartburn.

Name:  I am feeling the pressure, believe me, but still no name!  I'm about to give in to Andy and just go with his made up name.  I like it, just not sure I love it.  Ugh!!!  Are you tired of hearing me whine about this yet?  Because I'm tired of whining about it, ha ha!  I've started saying it out loud to him when talking about her and it's starting to grow on me.  I threw a new name out there yesterday and of course Andy kind of liked it, but as soon as I had hit send on the text I knew I didn't really like it enough to use it either.  But, for now, it's on the short list with 2 other names.

Another week in the books - 9 or less to go!  Have I mentioned we discussed being induced at 39 weeks due to the size I was measuring?  If we did that she'd be induced (and born) on Friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious but really, can I do that to her?  Now that we know she's not measuring HUGE I'm guessing inducing as soon as possible won't be necessary anymore. So maybe we'll induce on that following Monday, November 16th.  Who knows.  Maybe we'll just let things go naturally.  Currently she's head down, hopefully she'll just stay content that way and we won't be worrying about her being breach.  So many variables, aren't there?

For fun, here's my 30 week post from Tate's pregnancy.

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  1. So she's not measuring 4 weeks early?!?!? That's good I'm guessing?!!?! My anniversary is the 10th and Adam was born on the 11th. We have a birthday or anniversary nearly everyday in November. It's a big month for our family.

    The name will come to you. You will see her and you will just know. And so it's been verified that she is a she?!?!? Good to know!!!

    So happy everything checked out okay for you all!!!

  2. I was born on Friday the 13th... in October nonetheless. I am glad everything is going better this week. I can't believe you only have 9 weeks left... It's almost baby season. I can't wait to hear the name Andy has picked.

  3. So glad the u/s went so well and you were able to see her moving around so much. That is always so fun.
    And only gaining 17 pounds at 30 weeks is awesome! Your will power must be amazing. I was like, "FEED ME!" The whole time. Ha!!
    Can't wait to learn what this little lady's name is. When she comes I just know you will have picked the perfect name for her.

  4. You look GREAT!!!
    Thanks again for the ghords you sent with your mom!
