17 September 2015

Flag Football 2015

Football season has been in full swing since the first day of school around here.  The boys have a 6 week schedule, 6 games, and we are over halfway through it.  Last night was Game 4 - I can't believe they only have 2 games left!

Last year Brennan had a great time his first game.  For some reason, in his second game when he was running the ball, he got freaked out because some of the boys were more aggressive in pulling his flags.  He totally freaked out, cried and cried and said he was never playing again.  Our rule is always that they have to finish what they started so he finished out the season, grudgingly.  When the sign ups came home at the end of last school year for this Fall's season Brennan wasn't planning on playing.  I ended up talking him into trying it again since he would be the older kid on the team.  (They are in the K-1 group.)  Guess what, he loves it this year!  He's running after flags, he's gotten a few touchdowns and he's totally into it!  Glad he gave it another try.

This is him, #9, running the ball!  He made a touchdown on this run!

Their huddles are the cutest things!

Aiden's been having a great season, too.  This is his last year for flag football, not sure I'm ready for all the tackling.  Aiden's been a machine, going after flags, rushing the quarterback, intercepting balls and running in for touchdowns.  Football is definitely his favorite sport!  This year he's wearing #1.

Aiden's dream is to be an Iowa Hawkeye football player some day - lots of hard work is in front of him! And lots of football is in front of me! :)

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  1. So glad Bren gave football another shot! Great to hear things are going better this year.
    Can't wait to see where football takes Aiden!

  2. I think any sport where littles are huddling is just the cutest thing... I don't think I could do football, I know soccer is not for us. I have a feeling Oliver is going to be the football type though.

  3. Love the pictures! It looks like they're having a lot of fun!
