31 August 2015

Weekend Rewind

Hey, gals!  Can you believe today is the last day of August?!?  I'm so excited about how fast it went by!  July was so dang slow, I thought summer would never end.  Not normally a problem except for some reason I have been over summer since the beginning of July.  August FLEW by and we are knocking on the door of Fall!  The last week and a half we've been having Fall-like weather here in Iowa, it's been awesome!  This week all that changes - schools will be dismissing early due to the heat, I'm sure.  Not ours, though, we have air conditioning.  Luckily, according to the 10 day forecast, this hot, humid SUMMER weather should only last for this week.  Fingers crossed!  I popped a Fall scent into my Scentsy burners on Friday and dang, did it smell good!  Anxious for all that Fall brings.

This is a weekend rewind linkup but I don't really have much to report back from this weekend. And I definitely don't have any pictures to share from it, either.  Andy finished out the trim on the boy's windows, I painted that trim plus painted Tate's dresser because it had gotten worn looking.  When I put all of his clothes back in it I weeded out everything that was 18mo in size (insert sad face).  Then I organized his closet a little since it's overflowing with the Princess's things.  Feels good to do a little organizing every now and then, doesn't it?

Sunday morning I made up a couple lunches for the boys for the upcoming week.  They eat school lunch one day a week, the rest of the week they take their lunches.  They don't really love that, they'd both rather eat school lunch every day, which is awesome! But dang!  It's too pricey for me!  $3 each, every day, which totals $30 every week if they ate there every day.  The meals are healthy and good but they are breaking my bank, so lunch from home it is.  I made them homemade lunchables and grapes for one day.  Another day they will take tortilla rollups, a small bag of chips, a fruit cup and a baggie of broccoli.  Aiden's rollup has wing sauce (he's a nut!), turkey, lettuce and a slice of cheese in it.  Bren's has ranch, turkey and cheese.  He's the picky one.  In the past I have cut them up after keeping them refrigerated overnight (helps them stay together better) so they look like pinwheels but this time I'm keeping them together because I wrapped them in that Saran Wrap that sticks to anything (genious!) and wrote a little 'Hi, Brennan', 'Hi, Aiden' on them.  I would have kept going with the meals but I still had to get a roast going for Sunday Dinner, plus wash a million and one dishes (even though I said last week Andy's in charge of that now, I gave him a break and got them done myself).  I was so wiped out after that I laid on the couch and wasted the rest of my Sunday morning away.  :)

P.S. The roast was amazing! :)

Link up your weekend rewind, I'd love to read all about what you did, too!

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  1. I pulled out my fall candles and Scentsy scents this weekend too. And got my 1st soup on. It was glorious!!!

  2. It is FINALLY cooling down here. By cooling I mean, highs around 85. *sigh*
    I never thought to add roll-ups to Marcus' lunches. Genius! Shoot, I might have to add that to *my* lunch, too. :)

  3. Nothing to report on a weekend... girl I want a weekend like that. lol. Do you have big plans for Labor Day weekend? We are camping so I will have a lot of pictures, and I am sure stories, for next Monday. My husband, brothers and uncles always find some sort of trouble.
