11 August 2015

The Sisterhood (of Bloggers)

I was lucky enough to be nominated by the beautiful Des for an award.  She blogs over at Macke Monologues.  Des and I had a connection from the minute we discovered we are both Iowans.  No, she doesn't live here anymore but we have plenty to chat about anyway!  Of course, that connection could have been totally ruined when we discovered she's an Iowa State Fan and I am an Iowa Hawkeye through and through.  Luckily we didn't let that one little (BIG) thing get in our way!  I want you to go over to her blog and get to know her as soon as you're done reading my post because she is one of those people everyone will want to be friends with.  I'm not going to tell too much about her because I want you to 'meet' her yourself!  Go on over and say 'hi'.  And thanks, Des, for thinking me worthy of this award!

The rules are pretty easy:
1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer a few questions about yourself.
3. Nominate 5-10 bloggers that you love.
4. Include questions to be answered for the bloggers you nominate.
5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

The questions:
1. What do you hope to accomplish from blogging? I honestly cannot say what it is I hoped to accomplish when I started this blog.  I remember thinking it seemed kind of cool to have a blog so I started one up. Then I went into true Erin panic mode that maybe some scary person out there would find me in real life and hunt me down after finding me out in the blogosphere.  Yikes!  Luckily that's never happened (so far).  :)  Today, what I hope to accomplish with this blog is getting my memories and thoughts down somewhere for my kids and me to look back on someday.  I have always loved the idea of a diary but I get so frustrated with how terrible my handwriting is and how my hand can't keep up with my mind, typing goes so much faster and is prettier.  So, that's #1.  #2 would be to make friends, connect with others.  I have made some very good and REAL friends through this blog and I love them dearly. Sad part is so many of them have stopped blogging themselves so I hear from them very little.  With that means less comments, and I really crave those comments because it gives me someone to chat with over the age of 10 every day. So be sure to leave me comments from now on, I promise to reply if you aren't set up as a no-reply blogger!

2. What have you learned since you began blogging?  I have learned that I will not be making money from this blog.  I'm not that type of blogger and in real life I'm not that cool, and to get paid for blogging you need to be cool in real life and have something great and amazing to blog about every day.  Or be fashionable, which again, I am not.  :)

4. Please provide a link to one blog you follow/read daily, and briefly tell why you enjoy that particular blog/blogger so much.  Normally  I wouldn't choose a 'big' blogger because I figure they have plenty of readers already so why give them a shout out.  But, today I am choosing a 'big' blogger.  Shay over at Mix and Match Family is just so great, you guys!  I love love how positive she is, every single day!  I love that she blogs about her faith, but not in a "shove it in your face" kind of way.  Her kids are adorable and I love following along with their daily shenanigans.  She has a food blog, also, with yummy, easy and kid friendly recipes on it.  She's just a really neat gal (and has no idea I exist in the world) so I think you should go check her out.

5. What is something you enjoy doing just for you? Just for me, hmmm.  Well, I like to read sometimes.  I like to watch junk reality TV and The Young and The Restless.  I love spending a couple of hours with my friends, just hanging out and eating something yummy.  If I could, I'd spend a few hours laying in bed chatting with Andy every week.  It's so relaxing and comfy!  I guess if you count how long we lay in bed chatting before bed every night it'd probably be close to a few hours, but I'm talking middle of the day, no kids interrupting, just laying there vegging out.  Awww. :)

6. Do you have a favorite quote or Bible verse? If so, please share, and explain why it's a favorite.  I have never been a quote type of person, and I believe in God and go to church but couldn't recite a Bible verse if my life depended on it. (Ok, 2 just popped in my head but they aren't what I'd call 'my favorite') 

7. What is your favorite holiday?  It's hard not to pick Christmas, because of the cheer and the magic in the air.  I also love Thanksgiving because it's similar to that same Christmas-y feeling but without the stress of the gifts.  And who doesn't love all that yummy food and carbs??  

8. What is one book you think should be on every ones "must read" list?  I've said it before and I'll say it again -- GO GET SUMMER SISTERS BY JUDY BLUME!!!  I'm not messing around here, folks!  It's by far my favorite book of all time!  If you're looking for something 'newer' go check out any of Liane Moriarty's books - they are fabulous!

9. What is your go-to meal for dinner? How about this - what's my go-to lazy meal for supper.  Hands down, pancakes!  If I can't think of anything else, or nothing else sounds good I'll make pancakes.  For awhile there I was on a cheeseburger kick, made those quite a bit in the winter on my grill pan on the stove.  Those were so good!  Now I've got a hankering for those, ha ha!  Next on the list - Casey's pizza.  Casey's is a convenience store you'll find in the Midwest.  If there's a town on a state highway it has a Casey's in it.  Their pizza is super yummy, especially their Taco!

10. What is one piece of advice you would give to fellow bloggers?  I'd say don't worry about number of followers, worry about your content.  If you aren't in to it anymore then take a break -- you can always come back and start it up again, revamp it.  Sometimes a blogging break is good for the soul.  :)

Now to send some love on.
I nominate:
Shelli, Beauty and the Baseball Coach
Chrissy, Mama Chrissy's Chaos
Christi, A Full Time Keller
Tia, Hands On, Pants Off

Questions for those lovelies to answer in their post:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. What made you start your blog?
3. Why did you name it what you did?
4. If you could change one thing about your blog what would it be?
5. What mistakes have you made as a blogger that you can share so others don't make the same mistakes?
6. What did you have for supper last  night?
7. What was your first job in high school?
8. If you could live in a foreign country 100% free for one year which country would it be and why?

Thanks to Des for the sweet nomination.  As you read this she is probably enjoying the sweetest little new baby cuddles with her sweet little angel.  Be sure to stop by her page and start following her!

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  1. Thanks for the nomination. I'll try to get my post up today!

  2. Awww, such a sweet little shout out. Thank you!! Some day we will really meet! How fun would it be to go to an ISU/Iowa game together?! Nothing like friendly competition to say hi in real life.
    I never thought about Thanksgiving like Christmas, just without the stress of gifts, but you're totally right! And just go ahead and give me all the mashed potatoes and pie, please.
    I KNEW you were going to say Summer Sisters. I haven't read it in years, I really need to snag a copy. It'd be the perfect thing to keep me entertained during the late night feedings!
