10 August 2015

Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday!  I hope you link up with us today!

Let's dive right in.  Starting off with Friday -- Baby Girl's crib arrived!!!  I can't tell you how darn excited I am to have it!  I walked out to the garage and there it was -- darn people didn't even ring my bell to let me know they'd dropped anything off!

That's what it looks like now.  Here's what it'll look like when it's all put together!

Image result for fisher price charlotte crib

Eeee!!!! So girly and so perfect!  I love it and can't wait to get it put together and in her sweet little room. :)

I was checking Facebook Friday morning when my back door neighbor started posting a ton of pictures of her daughter's outgrown clothes, all size 2T.  I started commenting right and left on the ones I wanted, then just texted her and told her I'd run over quick and just go through her pile and grab what I liked.  Made the process so much easier and fun!  I came back home with this big stack - all for $40!  2 jackets, 5 dresses, 4 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of Under Armor comfy pants, 1 pair of leggings and a ton of shirts.  I also snagged 2 shorts and t-shirt outfits that were Under Armor - one still had the tags on it!  Score!

Friday night we started priming the walls in the basement -- the mudders came last Monday and finished with the texture coat on Thursday.  Andy got started as soon as he came home from work Friday.  I went down and helped as much as I could, got supper around, then we went back down to prime. Andy's folks arrived around 6:30 and they both grabbed rollers and dug in.  While they finished priming the bathroom Andy and I started painting the bedroom ceilings. We had just enough ceiling paint from a prior job to get one coat on both boys' bedrooms.  We finished up just before 10:00, then all came upstairs to sit and relax and gab for a bit.  I was exhausted and my feet were screaming at me!  But, it got done and wow did that change the looks of things down there!  So exciting!

Saturday morning started with an early run to town to get more paint at Wal-Mart.  What should have been a quick 20 minute stop turned into a 45 minute one.  But FINALLY, I got out of there and hurried home with a package of donuts for breakfast and 3 cans of paint.  As soon as the donuts were down the hatch we headed back to the basement for a day of painting.

We have some of the best kids around -- the big boys each grabbed a roller and helped paint all day long.  And Tate, he kept himself busy pushing tractors around and staying out of the way.

Andy and I started with the hallway ceiling, then putting a second coat on all the ceilings.  I painted a coat of super awful, stinky paint in the closets, then had Andy do the second coat because that paint was so darn strong smelling!  Finally we were ready for the walls, which is when the kids came into things.  We stopped for a quick 15 minute lunch and to put Tate down for his nap before heading back downstairs to finish up painting the first coat.  Whew, we were all glad that was done for the day!

We finished up about 2:00, then I hustled to get a batch of Ree's Chocolate Sheet Cake made for Andy's family reunion that night.  Quickly jumped into the shower, had the boys take theirs and then we were off to town and the supper.

We were at the supper for about 2 hours before my battery totally wore out.  I must have looked like a zombie sitting there, ha ha!  We ended up leaving there just before 8:00.  Tate barely made it 3 blocks before he was zonked out -- I wished I could have been sleeping then, too!

Sunday, same thing/different day.  We ate breakfast then headed down to paint.  Andy and I did the second coat ourselves, just to be sure it was covered really well and there weren't any streaks or runs.  We got it all done in about 2 1/2 hours -- the second coat always goes faster.  During one of the quick water breaks Andy drew this:

Sweet and disgusting, all at the same time - lol!

We ran to town quick, grabbed some lunch, then headed back home to get started hanging the bedroom doors.  Of course the first one didn't go as smooth as we'd hoped, but the second one went much quicker and easier.  Amazing how much more like a finished product those doors made it look! Now to get them sanded and painted.

While Andy was slaving away in the basement (ha!) our neighbor and her daughter, who is the mom of our summer friends, came over with gifts.  So so sweet of them!  Our first gifts for the baby!  Just look how sweet these are!

We finally stopped working in the basement with just enough time to get showers before the NFL Hall of Fame game started.  FOOTBALL!!!  It's finally here!!! Yay yay yay!!!  Da'Bears play Thursday night, can't wait!

Tonight we'll start working on the closet door jambs, then it'll be the casing around the doors, then finally the base trim.  We are focusing solely on getting the bedrooms all trimmed out so the carpet layers can come either end of this week or beginning of next. The hallway won't have carpet until next year when we do the big living area so that it's exactly the same thing/matches.  So, we have time to dilly with that trim and the doors to the storage room and bathroom.  The bathroom we will focus on as soon as the boy's rooms are down, which should be middle of next week.  They just can't wait to get moved down there!

That's my weekend recap - link up yours so I can read all about what you did!

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  1. Love the crib! Do you have a theme picked out yet? The gifts are super cute, too. Girls stuff is the BEST - I'm a little biased, of course, but I bet it's so exciting for you - a whole new world! My mom just bought Livi back some Patriots stuff from Boston - Football and cute baby girl clothes for the win! :)

    1. Thanks!! The theme is shabby chic, w/ some butterflies. I've told myself I can't start on that until I get the big boy's rooms done in the basement - partly why I'm so antsy to get those finished! Livi, how cute is that name? :)

  2. Oh that crib is beautiful!!!!!!!!

  3. Holy painting. You were busy this weekend I think you should take a nap (or four) today. I can't wait to see the finished basement...

  4. Baby girl is getting quite a stack of clothes already!!! I love the crib!

  5. It sounds like you had a great weekend! Love the crib. It's perfect!!!

  6. Phew. Another busy weekend for you and the boys. You have the best boys. The older ones help paint, the younger one keeps himself entertained. What a bunch of sweeties you have.
    I. LOVE. THAT. CRIB!! I really wanted Julia's crib to be white, but I was vetoed on painting Marcus' old crib. Booooo.
    All the things girly. So much fun - even if there happens to be a Hawk on two of those shirts. :)

  7. That was quite a great score on the clothes! That chalk picture of you made me laugh.
