17 August 2015

Weekend Rewind

Here we are, another week!  Man, August is flying by!  I'm excited, seemed like July was slow as molasses.  I hate wishing time away but I'm ready to move on from this summer and start the next phase.  Up for this week: Aiden is staying the night with my folk's tonight - meeting my mom in town at 9:30 this morning and won't get him until tomorrow afternoon about 4:30.  Tuesday is a baby check up, and that night Tate gets Papa and Grandma Jean time while the rest of us go to a friend's house for a fantasy football draft.  Wednesday, Mom, the boys and I are heading to the quilt shops to pick out material for blankets for Baby Girl.  That just leaves us with Thursday and Friday to fill!

Now for my weekend rewind.

Our weekend started on Friday with the one, the only, Iowa State Fair. I'll have a full post update on that tomorrow but for now here's a quick pic from the day.

Never thought I'd see Aiden as a buxom blonde! ;)

Saturday was HOT, so why not go to Kid's Day at Kinnick?  The Hawkeyes put on this fun morning for the kids and end it with watching the players practice and scrimmage.  We went solely for the autograph session and the practice -- the kids don't even know they have bounce houses and other fun activities.  We arrived as the gates to the stadium opened, at 11.  We hung around outside for a bit hoping to see the players make their way into the stadium from their practice facility but I was too impatient so we headed in about 11:15.  We found seats about halfway down to the field, got me and Tate settled in, then Andy and the big boys went down to the front row to wait for the players to come out to autograph their items.  Aiden took a book that was given to him at one of his baby showers over NINE YEARS AGO!  We had it autographed when he was 1 but haven't made it back for kids day since.  And Brennan took a mini helmet that was Andy's uncle's (he passed away last month and the family was nice enough to let the kids have a heyday going through his Hawkeye memorabilia).

As we waited for the players to come out I started noticing Tate's nose was running, then he was sneezing, then his eyes started to water -- all in a matter of 5 minutes.  Poor bubby, he looked miserable!  It was hotter than blue blazes, 90 degrees +, and high humidity.  I kept shoving his ba of water in his face, he'd take a tiny sip but it wasn't helping at all.  After about 30 minutes Andy and the boys came back up so Tate and I left to go up to the concourse where is was shaded and cool(er).  I think his teeth are giving him a tough time, thus the cold symptoms.

We tried to be as patient as possible but after about 20 minutes of that I finally texted Andy and begged him to come.  We left and went to one of our favorite pizza places that is close to the stadium, and more importantly, AIR CONDITIONED!  Ha ha!  The Flying Tomato pizza and Bruschetta was top notch, totally hit the spot!

A quick trip to Menards and we were heading home.  Tate fell asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot from lunch so he and I stayed in the truck while the boys went in for supplies.

We booked it home just to clean the house like mad and prepare food because we were having some of our sweet friends over for supper.  They arrived a little after 5:30 and we ate at 6.  Becca brought chicken lips dip (ah-mazing!), Little Smokies, and a taco dip.  I made cheesey hamburger dip, meatballs in BBQ sauce, bacon wrapped chicken bites, peanut butter pie and smores bars.  Yea, we had plenty of food for their crew of 5 and our crew of 5.  Jake and Becca's boys are super cute, fun kids ranging from a 1st grader down to a 2 year old.  All of our boys played together really well and had a fun night!  Andy and I enjoy spending time with Jake and Becca so it was a great night for all of us!

Sunday was another super hot day but luckily we had to be inside. Andy filled the holes in the baseboards and trim, and after that dried I painted a final coat on all of it, plus painted 2 coats on side of the doors and 1 coat on the other. I'll finish those up today. The carpet comes tomorrow (yippee yiy yay!!) so we had a deadline we had to hit.  We ended up missing my family reunion picnic at noon but it was going to be so dang hot anyway that I think I would have been pretty miserable. Spending the 2 days prior in the heat, I had had it.

To end the day we moved the boys' mattresses to the basement.  We thought it'd be fun to let them sleep down there in the main room until their carpet comes tomorrow.  They were so darn excited! First I had them fold up their blankets to haul down there - look how good of a job they did!

Then we hauled down their mattresses.  I helped with Brennan's but then Aiden said he could carry one so he helped with his own.  Strong muscles!

Then Andy gave them "The Talk".  That consisted of breaking down all the weird and different noises they'll hear down there from now on.  Totally cracked me up but such a good idea otherwise they'd have run upstairs every 5 minutes asking what that noise way.  Look at those serious faces, ha ha!

Then it was time to say goodnight.  They snuzzled down, all excited.  We came upstairs to do dishes, then the bittersweet feelings hit.  It was weird to know they were 'down there' and we were 'up here'.  Hard to let them grow up.  And then I panicked because we hadn't gone over how to get out of the windows in case of a fire again.  The last time we talked about it was when the windows went in, clear back in April!  So Andy went down for a quick tutorial.  When he came back he said the nerves and fears were kicking in.  Brennan's eyes were big as saucers he said, ha ha! Poor boy!  Brennan asked, "Dad, what if a deer came in here?"  What?!?  Ha ha, silly boy! So Andy had to reassure him there are no deer in our town, there isn't any timber around it so the deer don't like it here.  I'm sure he was worried about a million other things but that was the one he verbalized. We're guessing he'll be sleeping in his sleeping bag upstairs tonight when Aiden's gone to Papa and Grandma Jean's.  :)

That was our weekend, let's hear all about yours!

Have a great week and don't forget to link up!

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  1. You just have the most handsome boys!!!

    Your dinner with friends sounds amazing. I love those appetizer type dinners. Those are some of my favorites!

  2. Sounds like you has a busy weekend. Poor Tate, Oli and I are getting colds... with 90+ degrees out. It's a joy I tell you.

  3. Chicken lips dip? I'm intrigued! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  4. Your weekends always sound like so much fun.
    I cannot wait to hear about the ISF!
    The Kids Day at Kinnick sounds pretty awesome (even though you know how much I love the Hawks...;)).
    Can't wait to hear how the boys transition to the new downstairs space!!
